Word Study Crossroads Middle School Year Two Trimester One
cent Latin Definition: hundred Vocabulary century century centennial centennial
century Part of speech: noun Definition: a group, sequence, or series of 100 like things Sentences: It took more than a century to complete the cathedral. It took more than a century to complete the cathedral. Millions of people celebrated the beginning of the 21st century on January 1, Millions of people celebrated the beginning of the 21st century on January 1, Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
centennial Part of speech: noun or adjective Definition: a 100th anniversary or its celebration; relating to a period of one hundred years Sentences: We will be celebrating the centennial of the bank We will be celebrating the centennial of the bank on Friday. on Friday. The year 1965 was the centennial year for the ending of the US Civil War. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Google Images Google Images
deca / deci Greek (deca), Latin (deci) Definition: ten Vocabulary decimate decimate decade decade decimal decimal
decimate Part of speech: verb Definition: to reduce drastically especially in number; to cause great destruction or harm to Sentences: A moth can decimate thousands of trees in a town. A moth can decimate thousands of trees in a town. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images Google Images Google Images
decade Part of speech: noun Definition: a group or set of 10; a period of 10 years Sentence: The war lasted nearly a decade. The war lasted nearly a decade. The bridge was built a decade ago. The bridge was built a decade ago. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info
decimal Part of speech: noun or adjective Definition: any real number expressed in base 10; expressed in or utilizing a decimal system especially with a decimal point Sentences: The number is a decimal. In the number 8.901, the 9 is in the first decimal place. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
omni Latin Definition: all, every, universally Vocabulary omniscient omniscient omnipresent omnipresent
omniscient Part of speech: adjective Definition: having infinite awareness, understanding, and insight; having universal or complete knowledge Sentence: The omniscient narrator knew every single detail in the play. The omniscient narrator knew every single detail in the play. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
omnipresent Part of speech: adjective Definition: present in all places at all times Sentences: The problem is omnipresent and unavoidable. We are seeking some much-needed relief from the omnipresent noise of the big city. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
pan Greek Definition: all, every, entire Vocabulary panorama panorama pandemic pandemic
panorama Part of speech: noun Definition: a picture shown a part at a time by being unrolled before the spectator; a full and clear view in every direction Sentences: We admired the breathtaking panorama from the top of the mountain. We admired the breathtaking panorama from the top of the mountain. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
pandemic Part of speech: adjective or noun Definition: occurring over a wide geographic area and affecting many individuals; a fast spreading disease or epidemic Sentences: The pandemic wiped out the entire country in two weeks. The pandemic wiped out the entire country in two weeks. The pandemic influenza rapidly killed several people during the middle ages. The pandemic influenza rapidly killed several people during the middle ages. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
equi Latin Definition: same, equal, even, fair Vocabulary equitable equitable equivalent equivalent equilibrium equilibrium
equitable Part of speech: adjective Definition: being fair or just; dealing fairly and equally with all concerned Sentences: They reached an equitable settlement of their dispute. They reached an equitable settlement of their dispute. There was an equitable distribution of gifts among the children. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
equivalent Part of speech: adjective Definition: alike or equal in number, value, or meaning; having the same effect or function Sentence: Some companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices. Some companies manufacture equivalent products at cheaper prices. I haven't taken English 202, but I took an equivalent course at another university. I haven't taken English 202, but I took an equivalent course at another university. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
equilibrium Part of speech: noun Definition: a state of intellectual or emotional balance, poise; physical balance Sentence: Because her equilibrium was off, she kept falling down. Because her equilibrium was off, she kept falling down. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info
vor Latin Definition: eat, eating, consume, devour Vocabulary voracious voracious Omnivorous Omnivorous Devour Devour
voracious Part of speech: adjective Definition: having a huge appetite, ravenous; eager, Sentence: Rahul is a voracious reader. Rahul is a voracious reader. Jess has a voracious appetite. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
omnivorous Part of speech: adjective Definition: feeding on both animal and vegetable substances; avidly taking in everything (with the mind) as if devouring or consuming Sentence: A bear is an omnivorous animal. A bear is an omnivorous animal. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
devour Part of speech: verb Definition: to eat quickly or hungrily Sentences: The dinosaur used its sharp teeth to devour its prey. The dinosaur used its sharp teeth to devour its prey. After their swim, Abby and Jess were ready to devour the sandwiches their mother had packed for lunch. After their swim, Abby and Jess were ready to devour the sandwiches their mother had packed for lunch. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
ped / pod Greek Definition: foot Vocabulary pedestrian pedestrian hexapod hexapod
pedestrian Part of speech: noun or adjective Definition: a person moving on foot, walker; not interesting, ordinary Sentences: A pedestrian has the right of way when crossing the street. A pedestrian has the right of way when crossing the street. His writing grew less interesting, and many soon found it stale and pedestrian. His writing grew less interesting, and many soon found it stale and pedestrian. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
hexapod Part of speech: noun or adjective Definition: an organism with six legs; an insect Sentence: A hexapod robot walks on six legs. A hexapod robot walks on six legs. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
Mort Latin Definition: mort: death, dead, die, dying mort: death, dead, die, dyingVocabulary Mortify Mortify immortalize immortalize
mortify Part of speech: verb Definition: to embarrass greatly; humiliate or shame Sentences: Grandma was simply mortified that I wore my school clothes outside to play. Grandma was simply mortified that I wore my school clothes outside to play. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info Google Images Google Images
immortalize Part of speech: verb Definition: creating a living or lasting memory Sentences: Immortalize the battle in a poem. Immortalize the battle in a poem. The country will immortalize the heroes by naming the monument after them. The country will immortalize the heroes by naming the monument after them. Merriam Webster Merriam Webster Word Info Word Info
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