Vocabulary and Technology Technology with Evident Connection to the Curriculum Middle School Reading
Uses of Technology and Web 2.0 Evaluate each technology resource based on its educational purpose Active engagement in learning Reinforce learning Showcase work
Resources for Decoding and Vocabulary LexiaLexia SOS (Strategies for Older Students) Teaches and reinforces basic phonics and morphology. There is a minor component that reinforces reading comprehension.
Resources for Vocabulary Podcasts Student developed podcasts provide opportunities for the students to learn words, create visual images to aid with memory retention, and then reinforce learning by repeatedly listening to the podcast. Other students can also use their classmates work to increase their own vocabulary. Audacity is an easy to use and free resource for developing the podcasts.Audacity "rupt" words
Resources for Vocabulary Video Skits WordiaWordia provided the inspiration to have students develop short skits to reinforce their learning of difficult words. They must write a script, create a story board, and use at least 3 different camera angles. The skits can be no longer than 1 minute long. The skits provide a context in which to learn and remember the words. Reviewing the skit films mentally or in reality provide the reinforcement needed to remember words. Research indicates individuals must have opportunities to use a word to make it their own.
Resources for Vocabulary Other Video and Visual Resources for Learning Vocabulary Brainyflix Brainyflix - Students have created short videos of words. Good for learning SAT/ACT words. WordaheadWordahead - learn words through cartoon pictures and multiple sentences. QuackQuack - clips from old movies provide the context for learning common SAT words. On DVD.
Vocabulary Reinforcers QuizletQuizlet provides flashcards and reinforcing games for students to learn and remember words.
Vocabulary Reinforcers Spelling CitySpelling City - Designed as a spelling program but also provides reinforcing games.
Vocabulary GlogsterGlogster - Students create a poster to illustrate a word. This helps them learn the word in different contexts. They can also use it to teach others, reinforce their learning, and display their creativity. Pictures, audio, and video can be linked to the poster. Glogster
Vocabulary WordleWordle - Create a word cloud showing all the different contexts in which a word can be used. This site is not moderated so caution must be exercised. The different contexts help students learn the word and display it. Wordle Word Cloud for Latin Root, "port"
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