Lessons Learnt from pre- deployment activity Judith M Glass Veronica Bellis NCRS Project Managers
How did we go about it? Paper prepared for the North Mersey Local Implementation Strategy Board Plan to implement Community NCRS as 1 project across 5 PCTs Not IT led, clinician focus Project went into Stage 0 in Jan 2005
How were the Board selected? Power Grid developed Influence (score: high = 2, low = 1) How do they affect project outcomes What power do they have to inform decision making Importance (score: high = 2, low = 1) How do their problems, expectations and interests affect the project operations or desired outcomes
Project RoleRole/DisciplinePCT/Represent ing ImportanceInfluence Project Executive GPLIS Board22 StakeholderGP/LIS BoardLIS Board22 Senior UserSenior Nurse/Exec Nurse 1 for each PCT22 Project Assurance HIS DirectorNorth Mersey Health Economy 12 StakeholderPCT Head of IM&T Represents 5 PCTs 21 Example of how Members were identified
Reporting mechanisms Project Board report to LIS Board Monthly Project Team report to Project Board 6 weekly We only started in January!!!
Work Required Data Quality Identify/Recruit Staff Project Organisation / Governance Communication
Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Lessons Learnt
Why Me? Working with nurses using GP systems Knowledge of community Nurse Background District Nurse until 2000
The Scope.. 5 PCTs North Liverpool Central Liverpool South Liverpool South Sefton Southport and Formby
Communications So Far.. Where we started NPfIT Awareness Week Prior to the week Key Messages Key Outcomes
Were your personal objectives met?
What did you enjoy?
More Outcomes.. Evaluation - positive Valued honesty Short, sharp presentation Volunteers for future work Invites to future meetings
Engaging Clinicians Local Knowledge Clinical Credibility Service Leads Existing Networks Programme Board Go to them Clinical Benefits
With CSC.. Continuation of work so far Communications strategy Further clinical engagement Service leads Process mapping workshops Overseen by project board
Awareness Understanding Support Involvement Commitment Degree of involvement Degree of change change intended
And so it continues! Awareness Involvement Commitment Long road to go but on the way Thank you…
Contact details.. Veronica Bellis Tel: Judi Glass Tel: