A GP’s Perspective Andy Hansen GP Partner Ridge Medical Practice Bradford
My Working Week 4 sessions General Practice 2 sessions General Neurology 1 session Epilepsy 1 session at YDU
Core GP Role Consult people who are ill or perceive themselves to be ill Chronic disease management Palliative care
Advanced MS In Primary Care ‘Generic’ care Specific interventions
General Practice First point of contact Identify carers Lead GP Community matrons District nurses
GP Role Assess new symptoms Treat acute illness Chronic disease management including mental health problems (shared with practice nurses) Coordinate care, refer as appropriate Prescribe medication
Community Matron Patients with complex health and/or social needs, especially if DN not involved Single point of contact Co-ordinate care including respite beds in intermediate care Links with district nurses, social services, therapists, fast response team, palliative care
District Nurse Catheter care Bowel care Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment (Maelor Score)- organise special mattresses Wheelchair referrals/assessments Links with therapists and social services and palliative care
Specific Interventions Little experience in GP Low confidence Need to access specialist help
Links- A GP Perspective Neurology Rehabilitation Therapy Palliative care Psychology Social Services
YDU Multiple Sclerosis 8 Cerebral haemorrhage 9 Huntingdon’s Disease 2 CVA 4 Spina bifida 2 Cerebral palsy 2 HIV dementia 1 CMT 1
Observations NICE guidance- no mention of NH patients What should they expect? Specialist review Therapy input PEG insertion MS Nurse