Chapter 17 Immunoregulation
To keep the individual homeostasis by regulating the balance between immunocyte and immunocyte, between immunocyte and immune molecule and between immune system and nerve system /endocrine system.
Content Immuno-regulation on genetic level Immuno-regulation on molecular level Immuno-regulation on cellular level Immuno-regulation on individual and population level
Section I regulation on genetic level Genes encode TCR and BCR Genes encode immune response regulating molecules: MHC Immune response gene,Ir gene(HLA)
Section II. Immunologic regulation on molecular level Regulation of antigen to Ir 2. Regulation of antibody and Ag-Ab complex to Ir antibody feedback inhibition:
1. Regulation of antigen Route of Ag entrance Dosage of Ag Structural characteristic: antigen competition
2. Regulation of antibody (1)regulation by immune complex When Ab increase, it binds to Ag and weaken IR Regulation of Ag-Ab complex to IR----- Antibody feedback inhibition IgM----stimulate IR IgG----reduce IR
antibody feedback inhibition: Ag Ag FcrR II BCR BCR ITIM Antibody Feedback Inhibition
(2) The idiotypic networks and immunologic regulation Idiotypic determinant or idiotype: a unique determinant on an antibody or BCR/TCR molecule,usually formed by one or more of the hypervariable regions. anti-idiotypic antibody (or TCR): antibodies against idiotype of antibodies or TCRs
Idiotypic networks A network of complementary interactions involving idiotypes and anti-idiotypic antibodies(or TCR). Ag——Ab1——Ab2——Ab3-------
3.regulation of complements Promote APC capture antigens: CR1 receptor on APC capture C3b-Ag-Ab complex 2) Promote the activation of B cell CR2 on B cell
4. Immunoregulation by co-stimulatory signal B7----CD28 ----CTLA-4 5. The regulation of signal transduction (1). ITAMs and ITIMs (2). Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation
PartⅢ The immunoloregulation on cellular level 1. Regulation of T cell subsets Th CD4+CD25+Treg 2. Regulation of B cells 3. AICD (activation induced cell death)
Th1 +IL-12 +IL-4 IL-2 IFN-g IL-4 IL-10 inhibit Cell mediated immunity Humoral immunity Th0 Th2 Th1 和 Th2 细 胞 的 分 化
SectionIV The immunologic regulation on individual and population level I) Nerve-endocrine-immune system regulation networks II) Immune system regulate the nerve and endocrine system.