HWT X-1 POTOTYPE IN OPERATION Unmanned System - Scalable 6 Years of Development Rigorous Testing Patented WingSail & Controls Autonomous Vehicle Control LOS and BLOS Communications Man-in-the-loop Capability
INITIAL X-2 SENSOR CAPABILITIES Vessel is equipped with X-band surface radar, EO/IR camera system, INU and GPS/AHRS system Radar combined with EO/IR camera system acquires and tracks a target within 15 NM acquisition zone Live video feed of a target is capture and is transmitted over LOS/BLOS to control station Demonstrated Towed Acoustic Array capabilities Surface Radar Antenna LOS coms 360 deg EO/IR Camera Acoustic Array Antenna BLOS coms
X-3 AUSV PRODUCTION VESSEL DESIGN Based on proven multi-hull designs 3+ months at sea Energy scavenging Highly mobile platform Flexible payload capability Hydrofoils/split-wing for sea keeping HWT Proprietary
X-3 PERFORMANCE CHARATERISTICS Top sailing speed 25 KTS in 15 KTS true wind speed Top auxiliary motor speed 15 KTS Minimum sailing speed of ¾ true wind speed under 12 KTS Capability to sail in reverse at 5-10 KTS Low radar cross section, Sonar, I/R, wake and magnetic signatures Low observable profile Covert night operations Fully operational in up to Sea State 5 Survivable in Sea State 8 Sensor Capabilities Surface Radar Sonar/Acoustic Array EO/IR AIS signal tracking information ELINT HWT Proprietary
Tracking for Moving Vessels Sonar range up to 15 nautical miles provides initial detection Surface Radar range up to 15 nautical miles sweeps Sonar contact area Close on target to 5 nautical mile EO/IR camera range Cues other assets to intercept or track target Stationary or roving patrol areas 70 nm
Remote Target ISR Command Ship directs AUSV search pattern AUSV determines location and speed of target vessel Close on target to 5 nautical mile EO/IR camera range for positive ID Contact can be overt or covert Command Ship remotely controls AUSV EO/IR cameras USV Target Tracking USV Target Image
Successful testing of X2 WingSail. Launching this fall in San Diego