The Roaring Twenties
Decade of Daredevils End of the war encourages people to start having fun People begin taking risks Some achievements make people heroes video
Flappers Women challenge traditional societal expectations Less clothing Lots of makeup Enter the party scene
Prohibition Takes effect on January 16, 1920 Law is often ignored People rely on bootleggers to provide illegal alcohol Gangster era is created
Organized Crime Speakeasies are bars with alcohol, gambling, prostitution Criminals are hard to catch Example: Al Capone- FBI is created to help catch gangsters
Al Capone Speakeasy in 1920s
Effects on Religion WWI makes some people less religious “How could God let it happen?” Theory of Evolution spreads- Scopes Monkey Trial
Fundamentalism Others pray harder “Please God don’t let it happen again” Billy Sunday and Sister Aimee preach on the radio (audio)
Race Red Summer occurs KKK strengthens
Harlem Renaissance Harlem became famous for its concentration of talents- actors, artists, musicians, and writers – Duke Ellington, Langston Hughes, Louis Armstrong Marcus Garvey advocated racial pride and black nationalism – Established black separatism organization and led a back-to-Africa movement
Changes in Entertainment New technology allows more free time Shorter working hours People want to be entertained People want distractions
In millions
Theaters Vaudeville and variety shows Were often about racial stereotypes Theaters were segregated
Movies First movies are black and white and silent “The Great Train Robbery” in 1903 “The Jazz Singer is the first “talkie” VIDEO
Amusement Parks
Sports Baseball becomes America’s past time First pro baseball team is Chicago Red Stockings (become the White Socks after the Red Scare) Football and Basketball become popular Women play but under different rules Segregated teams exist
Music Spirituals become popular with white crowds Ragtime is created Jazz Charleston (video)