16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report1 HTASC - Report to HEP-CCC David Kelsey, RAL rl.ac.uk 16 June 2001, CNAF/INFN/Bologna (
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report2 HTASC #18 11/12 Jun 2001, CIEMAT/Madrid Agenda included: News from HTASC sub-groups –Network Security –Windows 2000 coordination –Plans for new video conferencing group LDAP workshop (23 April 2001) XML and developments at CERN Centre de Communication Scientifique Directe Project The CERN review of LHC computing (J Knobloch) Roundtable reports Future chairman of HTASC Future meetings/topics
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report3 Membership changes Hungary –Jozsef Kadlecsik replaces Magdolna Zimanyi At last HEP-CCC, agreed to investigate extending the membership … USA –Irwin Gaines (FNAL) joined us in Madrid –Future - investigate two reps (one Labs, one “user”) Japan? –J Knobloch will investigate via Geant4 contacts –Other possibilities?
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report4 Network Security Agreed at Nov 2000 HEP-CCC –Reconvene the HTASC Security group (T. Haas as chair) Mandate… –Survey the methods used by HEP labs (today and planned) for the authentication of users, both on and off-site –Report on any problems that these methods cause for off- site access, particularly where off-site users/groups need to access resources at more than one site –Make recommendations as to how the situation could be improved –To report to the Oct 2001 HTASC and Nov 2001 HEP-CCC meeting
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report5 Security (2) Still waiting for this work to start Tobias Haas – currently at SLAC –Returns to DESY this summer –Still aiming to report at the October meeting Need to check if this timetable is still possible
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report6 Windows 2000 group initial mandate for 12 months 3 meetings + one open HEPNT (JLAB, Nov 00) Chaired by Christian Caro –Now left DESY Made good progress Short report has been written So what now? –The group would like to continue meeting –Small meetings better for technical discussions –Jointly led by Michel Jouvin, Gian Piero Siroli HTASC suggests an extension of 12 months to mandare Next meeting arranged for 12/13 July – CERN + USA (V/C)
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report7 Video Conferencing Discussed at March 01 HTASC and HEP-CCC Agreed then to create a new group –Chaired by Hans Frese (DESY) –Could not attend HTASC in Madrid Membership –HEP-CCC asked for nominations –HTASC members also collecting names Mandate (to be written) –MCU coordination, MCU admin, Web casting, don’t forget the University users (not just large labs) Will ask Hans to report to Oct HTASC
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report8 LDAP HEPiX/HEPNT 23 Apr 01 Hosted by LAL, Orsay See Agenda –Introduction and OverviewM. Jouvin (LAL) –HEP White Pages serviceR. Jackson (CERN)Jackson –LDAP as a NIS replacementW. Friebel (DESY) –Integration of LDAP intoR. Jackson (CERN) –GRID Information servicesF. Semeria (INFN) –Management of GRID mapfileF. Semeria (INFN) –Discussion
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report9 LDAP discussion HEP White Pages service –Today – CERN, DESY, IN2P3, NL + 7 USA sites –Keen to expand – how to encourage participation? –Unique ID for each person – to avoid duplicates –But more important to register everyone and ignore dups Interference between White Pages, GRID and Windows Active Directory? –No problems identified HTASC –Keen to push the White Pages –Ask current sites to provide “instructions” to join
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report10 XML See presentation by Michel Goossens (CERN)Goossens Conclusion –XML is a growing and important technology –Work at CERN on GDML is important - encourage
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report11 CCSD project Centre de Communication Scientifique Directe See presentation by Helene Jamet (CNRS)Jamet Discussion –Search of content important Need to convert from native format to a searchable form –Metadata? Provided by authors and automatic tools –Similar work elsewhere? Seems not.
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report12 Roundtable reports Detailed report on HEP computing in Spain Main concern of roundtable reports –GRID “communication” (for non DataGrid partners) –Many working on plans for Tier 1/Tier 2 centres Switzerland, Spain, Nordic… –Would be useful if they exchange requirements docs –Not invited to this HEP-CCC meeting Discussion on electronic working patterns –Too much ! Often requires/demands urgent response –Not the most effective use of people’s time –Too much mail to large lists –Need a better integrated desktop e-science solution
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report13 Future Chairman - HTASC My mandate ends now (after 3 years) –I need to hand over to someone else –HEP-CCC to appoint – on agenda today A secretary would help a lot When - next meeting?
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report14 Future HTASC meetings/Topics (provisional dates/plans) 8/9 October 2001 (DESY) –Network Security report –Video conferencing report –DESY computing report –ANAPHE update –AFS plans Other topics: –ideas always welcome!
16-Jun-01D.P.Kelsey, HTASC report15 Summary HTASC invites HEP-CCC to consider/give advice on Consider whether/how to push expansion of the LDAP White Pages service Appoint my successor! Other future topics for HTASC consideration?