Today we will show in various ways why decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions can represent the same value. represent – stand for value - importance
Equivalent means to show the same number in a different way. Equivalent
A decimal is a number less than 1 Decimal
Percent means per hundred. Percent
A fraction is a number that shows a part of a whole or set. Fraction
We already know that this shape is ¾ shaded. Tell you partner the percent that is shaded. 75%
Percent, fractions, and decimals 50% = = DecimalFraction Percent =
Knowing how to show in various ways why decimal and percent equivalents for common fractions can represent the same value You will know how to figure out the different ways a fraction can be represented. You will be prepared for tests like the CST. Are there other reasons why?
Let’s work out a few together How do you write this in fraction form? ½ How do you write ½ in decimal form? Remember that you divide the denominator with the numerator How do you rewrite 0.5 as a percentage? Remember that all you do is move the decimal 2 places over to the right! %
Let’s work out a few together How do you write this in fraction form? 2/8 How do you write ½ in decimal form? Remember that you divide the denominator with the numerator How do you rewrite 0.25 as a percentage? Remember that all you do is move the decimal 2 places over to the right! %
Let’s work out the steps together! 1.Look at figure, percent, decimal or fraction and follow the directions. 2.If it’s a figure, write the fraction, decimal and percentage 3.If it’s a fraction, write the percentage, decimal and draw the figure. 4.If it’s a decimal, write the percentage, fraction and draw the figure. 5.If it’s a percentage, write the fraction, decimal and draw the figure. Write the fraction, decimal and percentage for the following figure 1/ %
Let’s work out the steps together! 1.Look at figure, percent, decimal or fraction and follow the directions. 2.If it’s a figure, write the fraction, decimal and percentage 3.If it’s a fraction, write the percentage, decimal and draw the figure. 4.If it’s a decimal, write the percentage, fraction and draw the figure. 5.If it’s a percentage, write the fraction, decimal and draw the figure. Write the decimal, percentage and draw the figure for the following fraction %
Lets review What is percent? What is a decimal? What is a fraction?