Unit Three : Ensure that Pronoun References are Clear in Meaning 代名詞必須清楚的使用 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Three : Ensure that Pronoun References are Clear in Meaning 代名詞必須清楚的使用 柯泰德網路線上科技英 文論文編修訓練服務

如果代名詞所指的人 物或事物不能交待清 楚,也是徒增讀者困 惑。 。

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The machines can process the family of parts, ensuring that it reaches full capacity. n 較佳 : Capable of processing the family of parts, the machines reach full capacity.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n All parts have the same transportation costs, which limits the effectiveness of traditional approaches. n 較佳 : All parts have the same transportation costs, thus limiting the effectiveness of traditional approaches.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The department chairman told the research assistant that she needed to perform the simulations in the event that the experiment fails. n 較佳 : The department chairman told the research assistant, "You need to perform the simulations in the event that the experiment fails."

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Deterioration is set to a constant fraction of the stock level, which implies that shortages are not permitted and the demand rate is assumed to decrease exponentially.

較佳 : The fact that deterioration is set to a constant fraction of the stock level implies that shortages are not permitted and the demand rate is assumed to decrease exponentially.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n When a machine is assigned to a manufacturing cell, it attempts to reduce the total cost. n 較佳 : When assigned to a manufacturing cell, a machine attempts to reduce the total cost.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n The posterior objective concentrates on balancing intracell and intercell machine loadings, which allows us to formulate the cell formation problem as follows.

較佳 : The fact that the posterior objective concentrates on balancing intracell and intercell machine loadings allows us to formulate the cell formation problem as follows.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n Factors C, D, F, G and H significantly affect the response average. This indicates that F can be adjusted based on the target value.

較佳 : Factors C, D, F, G and H significantly affect the response average. This finding (observation, occurrence, phenomenon, event) indicates that F can be adjusted based on the target value.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n You should maintain a constant cutting speed even though the effective diameter of the cutting changes during machining. n 較佳 : A constant cutting speed should be maintained even though the effective diameter of the cutting changes during machining.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n In most previous investigations, they do not consider the simultaneous effects of deterioration and inflation. n 較佳 : Most previous investigations do not consider the simultaneous effects of deterioration and inflation.

您會如何修改此文句 呢 ? n A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, which further indicates that the total system cost will be incorrectly estimated if the deteriorating effect and/or inflationary effect are neglected.

較佳 : A numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method, further indicating that the total system cost will be incorrectly estimated if the deteriorating effect and/or inflationary effect are neglected.

詳細內容請參考 : 科技英文編修訓練手 冊 ( 進階篇 )( 柯泰德 著 ) 網址 : dv.tw/