iLearnNYC Students Access / Logging in
Step 1: Go to iLearnNYC site Go to Click on “Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)” tab or go directly to: ion/iLearnNYC/vle/default.htm ion/iLearnNYC/vle/default.htm
Step 2: Click on the content vendor who delivers your class content
You will need to get your username and temporary password from your TEACHER or other SCHOOL STAFF / ADMINISTRATOR Step 3: Login for the first time
Step 4: Re-enter your login info You will only see this screen if you are logging in to the VLE for the first time
Step 5: Select 3 security questions and answer them to use for future password recovery
Step 5 continued: Examples of security questions and proper answers
Step 6: Enter a new password that you will remember and fits the guidelines
Step 7: Finish the process by continuing on to the login page again with your new password
Step 7 continued: Login again with your new password
Possible Errors on Login Page If you see this message when you click “Submit,” you may need to change your password once before logging in. Click here to change your password.
Possible Errors Once Reaching a Vendor Site APEX ERROR MESSAGE AVENTA ERROR MESSAGE If you get any of these errors, your username and password are fine, but you don’t have access to the content. Contact your teacher of program chair/scheduler to find out which vendors you should have access to.
COMPASS ERROR MESSAGE CONSPIRACY CODE ERROR MESSAGE If you get any of these errors, your DOE username and password are fine, but you don’t have access to the content. Continued: Possible Errors Once Reaching a Vendor Site
K12 ERROR MESSAGE If you don’t have any courses assigned to you in Moodle, you will see “You are logged in as [Logout]” If you get any of these errors, your DOE username and password are fine, but you don’t have access to the content. Continued: Possible Errors Once Reaching a Vendor Site
Forgot your password? You will need your username. If you cannot remember your username, please contact your TEACHER or SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR