Solar Energy Facts With only two hours the earth reflects back more sunlight than what is used by the entire population in one year. In 1921, Albert Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his proposed experiment with solar energy and photovoltaic. The sun is the primary source of fossil fuels (coal, gas and petroleum). The transfer process began with life as plants and animals whose energy came from the sun millions of years ago. If the entire Sahara Desert is covered with the photovoltaic cells, we could generate the energy requirements of the entire earth!
According to Shell, 50% of the world’s energy will come from renewable energy sources by 2040. Solar energy can be collected and stored in batteries and transmitted. Solar energy is responsible for winds, ocean currents and other weather patterns. About half of worldwide production of solar panels is consumed by Japan. Solar energy represents the oldest form of energy. There is a big chance it could turn out to be the most important answer to our energy problem.
The earth receives 174 petawatts (=1 The earth receives 174 petawatts (=1.74×1017 Watts) of incoming solar radiation at any given time. Only 89 petawatts is absorbed by land and oceans. The rest is radiated back into space. In 2004, the average total worldwide power consumption of our planet is 15 terawatts (=1.5 x 1013 Watts).
Gathering Solar Energy directly from the sun is much better for the environment than the traditional fossil fuels energy.
Albert Einstein actually won the Nobel Prize for his experiment with solar energy and photovoltaics. Einstein successfully demonstrated the photoelectric effect showing that light comes in a tiny discreet unit called photon.
The sun is the primary source of fossil fuels (coal, gas and petroleum). The transfer process began with life as plants or animals whose energy came from the sun millions of years ago
If we covered the Sahara Desert with the photovoltaic cells, we could cover all the energy requirements of the earth!
According to Shell, 50% of the world’s energy will come from renewable sources by 2040.
Solar energy can be collected and stored in batteries, absorbed and transmitted
Solar energy is responsible for winds, ocean currents and other weather patterns.
About half of worldwide production of solar panels is consumed by Japan. This is an interesting fact since Japan only takes up .3 percent of the world total landmass.
Solar energy represents the oldest form of energy Solar energy represents the oldest form of energy. And there is a big chance it could turn out to be the most important answer to our energy problem.
Solar Collectors
Parabolic Trough
Power Tower