Our Solar System Christopher Fierbaugh Davis
3,032 miles at It’s equator. 1rst planet from the sun Rock Inner Does not have life do of lack of oxygen and extreme heat. It takes 58.6 day to rotate. It takes 88 days to orbit the sun. Mercury
Venus 12,107km 2 nd planet from the sun Rock Inner Venus has no moons. Venus is the morning star
Earth 12,755 km 3rd rock from the sun. inner More than 4.5 billion years old. 1 day on earth is 24 hours. Earth is 284,000km 1,238,607ml from the moon.
Mars 6,794km 4rh planet from the sun Rock inner Mars has two moons Mars used to have rivers It has deeper canyons than any other planet
Jupiter 142,984 km 5 th planet form the sun Gas Outer Jupiter has 63 moons. 778,330,000ml from the sun. Up to 150 miles an hour.