National Hurricane Conference Monday April 9, 2001 Dr. Christine Johnson Director, ITS Joint Program Office Program Manager, FHWA Operations
Roads are our lifelines
Here is Part of It…
Population Growth 76 million Million Million in ,400 persons a day are moving to the East and Gulf Coastal areas
Our Roads are Full– Evacuation will require Traffic Planning Real Time Management Detailed communication to drivers Full use of technology
Planning… Traffic Management a factor DOT is a player
3-5 Days to Gear Up Employees need time to prepare It takes time to move equipment
Real Time Management Once an evacuation is called… we need to move people quickly and safely
Multi-Agency Coordination Information sharing Collaboration
Technology can change evacuation management
Install traffic and weather sensors Everyone will benefit from better sensing on the roadways
A Nationwide System to Gather Traffic Data
Communication ….. Web based applications 511
Can’t assume the roads are “there” DOTs need to become players Technology will make a difference