Northwest ELA Session 2 January 2015 Marlin Jeffers Educational Consultant
READING STRATEGIES STRATEGY 6 Source: Kim D. Ellis, Putting the Pieces Together
NWAEA ELA January 2015 Session
CCapitalization & Communication OOrganization & Layout PPunctuation & Paragraphing SSpelling & Sentence Structure
Did you capitalize the first word in each sentence? Did you capitalize each proper noun? proper noun Did you capitalize the letters in each acronym?acronym
A proper noun is the specific name of a person, place, thing, or idea. Example 1: “Peter” is a proper noun, while “man” is not. Example 2: “Southington” is a proper noun, while “city” is not. Click on arrow to go back
An acronym is a word formed by combining the first letters or syllables and letters of a series of words. Example: “USA” is an acronym for “United States of America.” Click on arrow to go back
Are your ideas clear? Can you use different vocabulary to be more clear? Can the writer visualize what you are talking about?
Narrative Writing Does the story have a beginning, middle, and an end? Are the events in chronological order?
Expository Writing Does the essay layout the arguments in the beginning? Did you explain the arguments in the middle? Did you summarize the arguments at the end?
Letter Does your letter contain all of the necessary parts?parts
Return address Greeting Body Closing Signature Click on arrow to go back
Is the assignment easy to read? Is your paper set up appropriately? Is your work neat, using your best handwriting?
Does each sentence have an appropriate end-mark?end-mark Are commas inserted appropriately? Did you use quotation marks when someone was speaking? Did you use apostrophes in contractions and possessives?
Period. Exclamation point! Question mark? Click on arrow to go back
First Next Then Finally Click on arrow to go back
Does each paragraph focus on only one idea? Does each paragraph have a topic sentence? Did you use transition words?transition words Does each sentence in the paragraph relate to the topic?
Are your words spelled correctly? Did you use a spell- checker or dictionary to help you? Did you remember and apply the rules for making plurals? Did you use the correct homonyms? homonyms
Homonyms are word that sound the same, but are spelled differently. Example: “Great” and “grate.” Click on arrow to go back
Are there any run on sentences or sentence fragments? Did you use conjunctions properly?
CCapitalization & Communication OOrganization & Layout PPunctuation & Paragraphing SSpelling & Sentence Structure