Opossums By: Dalayna Hewitt
Introduction Would you like to know about the interesting,fun to research, awesome opossum? If so read on about it’s adaptations, looks, and behavior.
Adaptations All of the opossum’s adaptations help it get food. If the opossum gets in trouble with a snake and the snake bites it, the opossum won’t be affected. Also they are hiding experts during the day. Good climbing skills help them be expert hiders.
Looks Would you like to know about how the opossum looks? If so read on! It’s long slender body helps it slip into small areas. They have 50 razor sharp teeth! Some kinds have 3 dark gray streaks over each eye and a lighter streak along the midline of it’s body.
Behavior –When the opossum is threatened or attacked one thing he would do is play “possum”. Playing “possum” is playing dead. It can stay playing dead for 1 minute to 6 hours. Before it plays dead it might show it’s teeth to try and scare the predator away. And it will NOT vocalize unless threatened by a predator.
Conclusion –I hoped you liked learning about the interesting, fun to research, awesome opossum! I hope I will get to see one of them one day!
Resources Giants of the land By: Q.L Pearce The Great Animal Search By: Caroline Young Mammals By: Alexandria, Virginia