Advancing Health Equity in Virginia Karen E. Reed, M.A. Director, Division of Multicultural Health & Community Engagement. Office of Minority Health & Health Equity Virginia Department of Health Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations Conference Baltimore, Maryland October 18 – 21, 2010
Office of Minority Health and Health Equity –Vision: Advancing health equity for all Virginians –Mission: To identify health inequities, assess their root causes, and address them by promoting social justice, influencing policy, establishing partnerships, providing resources, and educating the public
OUR MISSION Promoting health equity throughout the Commonwealth by improving access to quality care, supporting the development of models of care and addressing barriers related to rurality. Division of Primary Care and Rural Health OUR PRIORITIES Identifying and addressing distance, provider distribution, service fragmentation and cost barriers to health care access.
Division of Multicultural Health & Community Engagement PRIORITIES Providing leadership, expertise and technical assistance to stakeholder in promoting the elimination of health inequities among racial and ethnic minorities and other disadvantaged populations in Virginia. OUR MISSION To focus on social determinants of health and social justice, in addition to more traditional health promotion, as key strategies to eliminate health inequities within the Commonwealth that exist by: socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, gender, immigrant status and other social classifications geography, etc.
Language Identification Poster
Navigating the U.S. Health System for Immigrant & Migrant populations…
2010 Virginia Department of Health Language Needs Assessments Limited English proficiency (LEP) population data unique to Virginia’s 35 local health districts for Primary Language** Patients (unduplicated count)Patient encounters #%#% English9, %33, % Spanish %2, % Amharic120.11%480.12% Arabic110.10%400.10% Mongolian50.05%80.02% Korean30.03%60.02% French20.02%260.07% Thai20.02%40.01% Turkish20.02%50.01% Chinese10.01%3 Hindi10.01%10.00% Hungarian10.01%2 Nauru10.01%10.00% Nepali10.01%60.02% Norwegian10.01%2 Polish10.01%130.03% Slovak10.01%10.00% Tigrinya10.01%80.02% Alexandria Health District10, %38, %
Virginia’s Healthy People 2020 Project Virginia’s Medical Interpreter Grant Program Virginia’s Medical Interpreter Network VDH’s Cultural Training Series and more… Building the Commonwealth’s Capacity to Address the Determinants of Health… Ongoing Initiatives…
Thank you….. For More Information… Karen E. Reed, M.A. Director, Division of Multicultural Health and Community Engagement Office of Minority Health & Health Equity Virginia Department of Health 109 Governor Street, Suite 1016 Richmond, VA