How to Turn Weak Verbs into Strong Verbs…
Change Verb Phrases to Single Word Action Verbs (you may need to revise progressive tenses to past or present tense) WEAK: They were panicking as they were leaving the school during the fire alarm. STRONG: Students panicked when they left the school during the fire alarm.
Change Passive Verbs to Active Verbs (you may have to add a new subject) WEAK: My car is covered with grime. STONG: The mechanic covered my car with grime.
Change Linking Verbs to Action Verbs (you may need to rethink the sentence and add new info) WEAK: Tom and Betty are my neighbors. They are 85 years old. STRONG: Tom and Betty, my 85-year-old neighbors, own too many lawn ornaments.
Use Specific Verbs (you may need to think about what you really want to say as there are so many options) WEAK: I have three dogs. STRONG: I care for three dogs. STRONG: I own three dogs. STRONG: I enjoy living with three dogs.