NetMRI Network Change & Compliance Management Software
Network Change and Configuration Issues Main cause of many performance-related problems IT personnel spend most of their time chasing these problems after the fact
The NetMRI Solution Advanced software capable of standing up to the requirements for new technology initiatives like virtualization and cloud computing Capable of building a strong network infrastructure foundation while actively finding solutions to improve and sustain good network health
NetMRI Scorecard (Network Health)
NetMRI Configuration Automation Take control of network configuration Automate changes – Gives IT organizations reliable automation and analysis capabilities so less time can be spent on “Fighting Fires” or manually implementing repetitive processes – Determines impact of change on the network Log Configurations
Topology View
Built in Compliance Mechanisms Allow you to enforce network rules and policies – Built in policies – Use Policy Design Center for custom policies Roots out old-school audit requirements that can engage IT personnel for weeks at a time Visualization capabilities make it easy to determine how a change in one device could potentially impact device neighbors Implemented from a single system – Reduces the risk of unauthorized changes or misconfigurations
NetMRI Dashboard
Implementation Issues