Instructional Design Principles William R. Clements Grand Canyon University TEC-571 Distance Learning in Education 19 October 2011 By
Instructional Design Principle #1
Pictures are better than Words They give a visual representation that help students in many ways. Students can relate the image to prior knowledge The images can help students understand the concept because it is being related to them in their terms it gives students real life scenarios to answer the question why we have to learn certain topics Students will then make observations about the situation and then propose alternative solutions, including the consequences of each alternative. ( Albright, Simonson, Smaldino, Zvacek, 2009) The effectiveness of Nonlinguistic Representation Data proven results show a 27 percentile gain on standardized assessments. (Marzano, 2001) Nonlinguistic Representation
SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON Topic is Native Americans The objective Students learn about the importance of the culture A great Introduction to the topic It automatically gains the students interest FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW TO SEE VIDEO Instructional Design Principle #1 Nonlinguistic Representation Social Studies Example
MATHEMATICS LESSON Topic is Finding the Area of a room The objective Students will be able to find the area of a rectangle A real life scenario that motivates students Explains why learning the area of objects is important. Instructional Design Principle #1 Nonlinguistic Representation Mathematics Example Math 6 Spy Guys Click on the link below to see the interactive web site.
Science Lesson Topic is dissecting a frog The objective Students will be able to identify the anatomy of a frog A real life scenario that motivates students in the scientific method It teaches the students to know how amphibians live Instructional Design Principle #1 Nonlinguistic Representation Science Example Click on the link below to see the interactive web site Dissect a Frog » Surgery Games
Instructional Design Principle #2
A Common Teaching Strategy is Easily Adaptable. A teacher can use this strategy to have students compare two things. Students will use their prior knowledge to come to conclusions Students will be able to practice their inferring skills on two items The students will be able to compare a large variety of things There will be an increase of motivation so students will show more responsibility for their own learning. ( Albright, Simonson, Smaldino, Zvacek, 2009) The effectiveness of Nonlinguistic Representation Data proven results show a 45 percentile gain on standardized assessments. (Marzano, 2001) Instructional Design Principle #2 Identifying Similarities and Differences
Reading Lesson Topic is Vocabulary The objective Students will be able to identify vocabulary definitions using context clues This is a great game in helping students finding what things certain words have in common Students will be able to use their reading experience to find the answers to the game. Instructional Design Principle #2 Identifying Similarities and Differences Reading Example Click on the link below to see the interactive web site Analogy Game
Instructional Design Principle #2 Identifying Similarities and Differences Science Example Science Lesson Topic is Geology The objective Students will identify the similarities and differences of igneous and sedimentary rocks Students will use graphic organizers or venn diagrams to show the differences and similarities Again students will use prior knowledge and visual pictures to find the similarities and differences
Instructional Design Principle #2 Identifying Similarities and Differences Social Studies Example Social Studies Lesson Topic is Native Americans The objective Students will identify the similarities and differences 2 different Indian Cultures Students will use graphic organizers or venn diagrams to show the differences and similarities Again students will use prior knowledge and visual pictures to find the similarities and differences
Instructional Design Principle #3
A Teaching Strategy that Uses Text and Visual Aids A teacher can use this strategy to have students recap what they learned in the lesson, or what they saw in a video or movie. Helps the students write down what they understood in the lesson or video Teachers will be able to know if the students understood the lesson, and find out where the students need the most help.. Students will have a better understanding of the material by reviewing it because they will be able to correct the ideas they misunderstand or remember things they missed The effectiveness of Nonlinguistic Representation Data proven results show a 34 percentile gain on standardized assessments. (Marzano, 2001) Instructional Design Principle #3 Summarizing and Note Taking
Reading Lesson Topic is Comprehension The objective Students will be able to identify the literary elements from a novel Students will read the novel and use the movie, of the novel to help them identify the literary elements Students will be more motivated to find those elements when they visually see them happen. Instructional Design Principle #3 Summarizing and Note Taking Reading Example.
Science Lesson Topic is Ecology The objective Students will be able to summarize what will happen if the rain forest was destroyed Students will make conclusions as they make the summary of what they have seen. They will be motivated to support their conclusions with their summaries Instructional Design Principle #3 Summarizing and Note Taking Science Example
Resources Albright, Michael, Simonson, Michael, Smaldino, Sharon, Zvacek, Susan. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance. Boston, Massachusetts: Pearson Education, Inc. Marzano, Robert, Pickering, Debra J., Pollock, Jane E. (2001). Classroom Instruction that Works. Alexandria, Virginia: McREL.