SAT Words Root 9
42. dogmatic You become dogmatic because you believe truth can be nailed down in words.
dogmatic (dawg-MAT-ik) adjective Sounds like: dog medic Picture… a medic (military doctor) arguing with a dog. The medic is insisting that there is no scientific proof that dogs can talk. The dog replies, “I think you’re ignoring some important evidence.” Other forms: dogma, dogmatism (nouns) Definition: sticking to widely-accepted beliefs, even when faced with contrary evidence; closed-minded
43. eccentric Its delightfully eccentric design will appeal to unconventional people who enjoy the unusual.
eccentric (ek-SEN-trik) adjective Sounds like: accent Rick Picture… an old man named Rick who sits in a rocking chair on the sidewalk in front of his house and speaks in a different accent every five minutes. (The neighbors think he’s a little weird.) Other form: eccentricity (noun) Definition: different from most, especially in personality or behavior
44. eclectic The eclectic blend of rock & pop has touched the hearts of audiences across Britain.
eclectic (ee-KLEK-tik) adjective Looks like: electric Picture… two women who are talking in the kitchen. The visitor notices bills from six different electric companies for the same month. She asks her friend about the bills. Her friend explains: “I like the electric heat I get from Eastwest Utilities, but I think the electricity from Superior Power is better for cooking. The lights are a little brighter using Con Everyone Electric…” Other forms: eclectically (adverb); eclecticism (n) Definition: choosing from many different sources; carefully selective
45. emulate Now fashion designers are trying to emulate them, incorporating car parts into a gown.
emulate (EM-yoo-late) verb Sounds like: Em, you’re late Picture… Emily who is being scolded by her mother for getting home late: “Em, you’re late!” Standing right behind the mom is Emily’s younger brother, who says, “Yeah, Em, you’re late! “ …using the same tone as Emily’s angry mother. Other form: emulation (noun) Definition: imitate
46. endorse Films for public broadcast should be fair and not support or endorse one point of view.
endorse (enn-DORSE) verb Sounds like: end horse Picture… a horse salesman saying to a customer, “I recommend the end horse.” Other form: endorsement (noun) Definition: promote; recommend
Root 9: nov Novice learners often need to see good learning and critical thinking behavior modeled.
nov Meaning: new Sample words: innovate (to bring in something new) novel (new, strange, not formerly known) novice (one who is new at something)