What do you know about writing drafts? Do you find that a first draft is easy to write? Why or why not? What problems have you come across while drafting? What tips or strategies can you share to help with writing a first draft?
Prewriting Notes Word Lists Reference Sources
Cats are better then dogs. Dogs bark loudly but cats are quiet. Cats purr or meow softly. Most importantly, cats are much easier to take care of. All you need to do to take care of a cat is clean it’s litter box every day and give it fresh food and water. dogs need to be walked often, but you never have to walk a cat. In fact, most cats do not like to walk on a leash. That is why cats are better pets than dogs.
Draft a paragraph based on your topic you chose in yesterday’s lesson. Let your ideas flow freely If you get new ideas while you write, please include them Remember you can always revise later to see if those ideas still fit into your topic
Simple Subject: Whom or what the sentence is about Jack was runs to the store. Simple Subject: Jack Simple Predicate: Is the verb that tells what the subject does, is, or has. Simple Predicate: runs
Susan ate pizza for lunch. Pedro threw the ball to his friend. The dog ran to the neighbors. Tanya studied the directions carefully.