Theme 2: Detection of decadal-to-centennial Atlantic and Southern Ocean carbon inventory changes. Quantify the Atlantic and Southern Ocean carbon sink, and its decadal change, through highest accuracy measurement of the changing inventories of inorganic carbon and carbon-related tracers. Integrate Atlantic and Southern Ocean data into a coherent global data base. Assess the ability of prognostic models to represent the observed changes for a reliable nowcast. Deliver: large scale assessment of ocean carbon storage. Work Packages 8Ocean interior data collection and documentation (Wallace) 9C ant quantification and decadal changes in C inventories (Rios/Joos) 10Oxygen and carbon profiling floats (Körtzinger) 11Model performance assessment and initial fields for scenarios (Heinze… will report under Theme 5) +3Long Term Assessment (Körtzinger)
WP8: Ocean Interior data collection and documentation (D. Wallace). Objectives To assemble and report an observational data base of measurements of carbon and carbon-related properties in the ocean interior through collection, merging and reporting of new and historical data. Future Work Last meeting for the final adjustments of 2nd Level quality data set and Final Data Product by June 2008 Public data release by September Remaining CARBOOCEAN data and metadata to data centres: Netherlands 4 cruises; Gemrany M68, P347 Polarstern ANT 22/3, Merian and Thalassa; Sweden 2 cruises; Spain OVIDE and FICARAM; 5 or 6 Icelandic cruises. Detailed metadata concerning the final CARBOOCEAN cruises ASAP after the cruise to Benjamin.
WP9: CANT quantification and decadal changes in carbon inventory (Rios and Joos). Objectives To establish optimal methods to assess anthropogenic CO2 inventories and temporal change. To apply these methods in combination with existing and new highest accuracy data in order to quantify the inventory of anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic and Southern Oceans. Future Work Revision of CANT inventory in the Atlantic ocean (June 2008). A set of manuscripts focussing on regional CANT inventories and related topics prepared for submission (June 2009). International Meeting to present the work in either AGU Ocean Sciences or International CO2 conference in Jena (2009).
WP10: Oxygen and carbon profiling floats (A. Körtzinger) Objectives To develop and critically evaluate fundamentally new observational approaches for constraining future ocean interior carbon and oxygen inventory changes. Future Work Modelling work on oxygen trends by partner 11 (Univ. Bern) ongoing, paper to be submitted soon. Ph.D. project by partner 4 (IFM-GEOMAR) on analysis and interpretation of data from oxygen floats ongoing. 4 oxygen floats (PROVOR CTS3 DO) to be deployed in tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean in February oxygen-POC floats (PROVCARBON) to be deployed in tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean in February PROVOR CTS3 DOPROVCARBON L‘Atalante Cruise, Feb. 2008