N W E S August 10th, 2015 The Publication of the Rotary Club of Arlington North “The Friendliest Club In Town” since June 4, 1982 THE FOUR-WAY TEST OF THE THINGS WE THINK, SAY OR DO: 1 ST.. Is it the Truth? 2 nd.. Is it Fair to all concerned? 3 rd.. Will it build Good Will and Better Friendships? 4 th.. Will it be Beneficial to all concerned? 1 Rotary Builder 2015 Craig Forster as presented by District Governor Troy Secord Upcoming Speakers August 10 th : Reg “Nutritional Science Behind the Hope Bar Project” August 17 th : Stuff the Back Packs August 24 th : Scott Hendricks Honduras Clean Water Project August 31 st : 5 th Monday – J Gilligans RI President-elect K.R. Ravindran introduced a member benefits program at the 9 June closing session of the 2015 Rotary International Convention, saying that many more hands are needed to continue Rotary’s work around the world. The program, Rotary Global Rewards, aims to boost membership and enhance member satisfaction. It will debut on 1 July.Rotary Global Rewards “This innovative new program will allow Rotary members to connect with hundreds of businesses and service providers from around the world -- and that number is growing,” said Ravindran. “These establishments will offer Rotarians discounts and concessions on the everyday business that you do. And, in many cases, not only will you benefit, but our Foundation will as well, by receiving a contribution with each transaction.” The program will include discounts on car rentals, hotels, dining, and entertainment. Discounts on more products and services from companies worldwide are expected to be added throughout the year. “It will be another way to benefit from being a Rotarian and being part of the Rotary network,” said Ravindran, whose presidential theme for is Be a Gift to the World. “I urge all of you to become a part of that scheme.” Member benefits program unveiled as convention draws to a close
COMPASS is Produced and edited by: Kelly L Lewis - For comments or suggestions – to WHEELCHAIR PROGRAM RAFFLE! The lucky member or guest whose ticket is pulled, gets a chance at winning ½ the Pot if they draw the Ace of Spades. See Annys Laufer for tickets for this weeks drawing the Pot is up to almost $ This benefits the on behalf of our Club. Monday August 17 th we will be meeting at Doreen’s office at 11:50 to stuff backpacks for two elementary schools in North Arlington. This is an excellent opportunity to invite guest. Events like this demonstrate the Rotary spirit in action. I have the following RSVP to setup on Sunday, August 16 th 5:00 pm: Doreen and Joe Bruner, Adnan Bahar, Terry Ip, Scott Reading, Kelly Lewis and Annys Laufer Share your Passion for Rotary…..Invite a friend or Business colleague to a Meeting! The Arlington City Council on Tuesday approved a development agreement for D.R. Horton, Inc. that will assist the nation’s largest builder with its corporate relocation to the city. This move will bring an expected 500 jobs to Arlington. According to city leaders, the site has some development challenges which is why D.R. Horton approached the city for financial assistance to help improve the infrastructure. The City of Arlington’s $5.5 million development grant will assist D.R. Horton with improvements to drainage, roadways, structured parking and other infrastructure. The company plans to invest more than $20 million to build an approximately 150,000 square-foot campus and parking facility on six acres located along the I-30 Frontage Road just east of N. Collins Street. The relocation will provide D.R. Horton a company- owned headquarters conveniently located in the heart of North Texas with great access to DFW International Airport. - See more at: horton-moving-headquarters-to-arlington-bringing- 500-jobs/#sthash.iU06sEJj.dpuf August 13 th : Terry Ip & Warren Ehn August 20 th : Mike Becknal & need one more August 27 th : Greg Miller and Adnan Bahar We have the New Rotarian at work Rotary shirts in. If you would like to purchase one they are $ See Kelly Lewis /