REG. & CORPORATE OFFICE Sarju Baijnathdham Colony Rauza Ghazipur U.P. Phone No Website : info JOINING PACKAGE DMIT (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) ( Discover your child's inborn talent & potential) Aarul Bag Business Support Material Package Cost- R s /- BUSINESS KIT Branded Suith Length Aarul Bag Nicer Dicer Multi Chopper Cutting Machine Business support material Package Cost-Rs /- Gas safety Device Business Support Material Package Cost-Rs /- TYPE OF INCOME 1-MATCHING BONUS2- REFERRAL INCOME 3-LIFE TIME REWARD4-CLUB BONUS INCOME5-TIME LIMIT REWARDS First Matching Bonus 1:2 or 2:1= Rs. 800/ Next Bonus 1:1 = Rs. 800/ Unlimited Depth “U” Earn Rs.200 from C (1 unit) After A & B Matching Bonus Referral Income S.N.PACKAGEPACKAGE CASTUNITREFERRAL INCOME 1DMIT3750/ BUSINESS KIT3750/ GAS SAFETY DEVICE2499/ NICER DICER1499/ REFERRAL INCOME AS PER JOINING PACKAGE : Nicer Dicer Multi Chopper Cutting Machine Business Support Material Package Cost-Rs- 1499/-
Club Bonus income will be distribute according to generate no. of ids (unit) on monthly basis. Company will deduct Rs.300/ per unit for club bonus income & help fund. i.e. If current running month total no of unit has been generated 2000 (unit).company will be save Rs.300 per unit. This amount will be -2000*300=600000/ For Help Fund -5% This amount will be *5/100=30000/ Club Bonus amount is =570000/ Distribution Eligibility for club bonus income who has been achieved level 7 & on words LEVELTITLEDISTRIBUTION FOR CLUB BONUS INCOME (%) 7 STAR6 20 % 8 STAR STAR8 10 STAR STAR STAR STAR STAR STAR14 10 S.N.PAIR (UNIT)REWARD 120ANDROID SET 230LED TV 362LAPTOP 4100TVS BIKE + TOUR ALTO K TATA ZEST MAHINDRA BOLERO RENAULT DUSTER SCOPRPIO FORTUNER TERMS AND CONDITION Time limit reward Only one id eligible for one rewards which is highest This reward applicable from 1 st June-15 TO 31 st Aug -15 Distributors should be follow terms and conditions to take club bonus income
S.N,PACKAGE PACKAGE CAST UNIT CAP FROM LEVEL1ST TO 6 CAP FROM LEVEL 7TH TO 8 CAP FROM LEVEL 9 TH TO 11 CAP FROM LEVEL12TH AND ONWARD PRODUCT BOOKING AMOUNT BINARY 1DMIT37501 No Cap BUSINESS KIT GAS SAFTY DEVICE NICER DICER PRODUCT BOOKING AMOUNT AND BINARY INCOME PACKAGE WISE In case accident /casualty (in case of death) company will be provide death compensation amount Rs.100,000/ to the family. It is applicable for only club member from level 7 th to onwards. Weekly closing every month 7,14,21,& 30 Weekly Capping as per level, from 1 st to 6 th 50 unit pair per week, from 7 th to 8 th 100 unit pair per week, from 9 th to 11 th 200 unit pair, and 12 th and onwards 300 unit pair per week Power leg will be carry forward After two referral left and right you will able to get referral income Club bonus income you are provided after next month when you will achieve same level * You will have to break your capping for club bonus income Club bonus income you will get per month