Welcome to…RAIN (the meeting formerly known as SPIN) Presented by: the folks in RDA, with today’s emcee, Dana Director Date: February 17, 2011
Agenda Intros Updates & timely information from the units: Dana Director Public Safety RDA TTBD RGC SPA ORIO CTO CRBO Research HR Q & A 2 RAIN:
OHSU Safety Guide OHSU Public Safety Active Shooter on Campus RAIN:
Active Shooter(s) OHSU Public Safety Person fires a gun with intent to injure or kill. Possible victims Specific At Random Collateral Shooter can move from area to area Consider multiple shooters Situation evolves rapidly RAIN:
Five Crucial Points OHSU Public Safety Take shelter: Evacuate or seek a secure area. Call for help: Report the incident. Describe shooter(s), weapon(s) and location(s) as best you can. Stay quiet and calm others. Stay put until law enforcement gives the “all clear” or tells you to move. Work with law enforcement: Obey commands and keep hands visible. RAIN:
Law Enforcement & Public Safety Law Enforcement Response Armed Stop the shooter(s) as quickly as possible Immediately go to the area where shots where last heard Dressed in various uniforms Carrying various gear and weapons Will not stop to aid injured until the shooter(s) has been stopped OHSU Public Safety Un-armed Will not engage a shooter(s) Will limit access to the area/location Evacuate people as possible Help Law Enforcement find their way in OHSU’s complex environment. RAIN:
Shooter In Your Area OHSU Public Safety Remain calm Activate any available panic alarms Attempt to call Public Safety If you can’t speak, leave the line open, dispatch will listen for clues to help responding officers Use “Dr. Strong”, if possible Do as the shooter(s) instructs If speaking with the shooter(s) Speak slowly using a calm low voice, stay calm Introduce your self, use the person’s name if known Look for signs of imminent violence RAIN:
Contact Information OHSU Public Safety Non-Emergency/Information Emergency Presenter Sierra Walker, Community Safety Liaison or RAIN:
RDA –RATE Research Administration Training & Education 9 RAIN:
RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Progress Report –Updating xTrain tools –RAIN Archives webpage coming soon –Centralization Project underway Coordinating SPA & RGC Education Training & Education Website to be launched by September Margaret Gardner 10 RAIN:
RATE: Research Administration Training & Education Contact: Margaret Gardner RDA Education Coordinator Margaret Gardner 11 RAIN:
RGC –Research Grants & Contracts 12 RAIN:
Updates –Deadline Recap & Reminder –General Announcements RGC: OHSU Research Grants & Contracts Jesse Null & Kellie Guentert 13 RAIN:
RGC: OHSU Research Grants & Contracts Jesse Null 14 RAIN:
SPA –Sponsored Projects Administration 15 RAIN:
SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration NIH Grants Policy Statement Clarification –Initial Visa fees are allowable if part of recruitment costs –Visa renewal fees are not allowable James Trotter 16 RAIN:
SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Jul10-Dec10 Effort Period –Effort Period Ended December 31, 2010 –Effort Period Closed February 14, 2011 –Statements scheduled to be distributed the week of February 28, 2011 –Due back to SPA on or before April 18, 2011 James Trotter 17 RAIN:
SPA: OHSU Sponsored Projects Administration Post Award Education Program (PEP) James Trotter 18 Effort Reporting - 3/8 Salary Cap - 3/16 SPA /24 OMB Circulars & Beyond - 3/29 The “How To” of SPA Forms - 4/7 Training Grants & Fellowship Basics - 4/14 Clinical Trials I (pre-award) - 4/20 Clinical Trials II (post-award) - 4/26 Details for PEP Spring 2011 schedule posted at SPA Education: RAIN:
ORIO –OHSU Research Integrity Office 19 RAIN:
ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office Breeding Transgenic Mice? Good news! –Revision to NIH Guidelines now exempts breeding of two different transgenic rodent strains as long as the rodents do not contain either of the following genetic modifications: incorporation of more than one-half of the genome of an exogenous eukaryotic virus from a single family of viruses; or incorporation of a transgene that is under the control of a gammaretroviral long terminal repeat (LTR) Kara Drolet 20 RAIN:
ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office What do I do with my protocol in the eIACUC? –The eIACUC still asks a question about breeding two different transgenic strains. –In the interim: Answer the question as appropriate The IBC office will contact your lab to determine if the crossings would be exempt. If so, nothing further is required. –This question in the eIACUC will be updated ASAP Kara Drolet 21 RAIN:
ORIO: OHSU Research Integrity Office What do I do with my IBC protocol? –The IBC office will be contacting those with existing IBC registrations covering transgenic crossings to terminate the registration if appropriate. –Questions? Contact or , option Kara Drolet 22 RAIN:
CTO –ISIS OCTRI Investigator Support & Integration Services/Clinical Trials Office 23 RAIN:
CRMS Vendor: ClickCommerce CRMS Next Steps –Transition Technical leadership of project Darin Stewart left OHSU end 1/11 RIS transitioning to University Applications Marie Steelman new CRMS technical lead –Complete contacting process with vendor (estimated completion: beginning 3/11) –Make demonstration environment available to OHSU community –Create project plan with vendor –Assemble workgroups to determine CRMS workflows Darlene Kitterman 24 ISIS: OCTRI Investigator Support & Integration Services RAIN:
CRBO –Clinical Research Billing Office 25 RAIN:
Epic Research FYI Cleanup –Exploring new Epic functionality to identify research participants –Research FYIs will be transitioned out –Clean-up deadline is mid-March –Please respond to CRBO s –Will be notified when new Epic functionality available –Contact Dena Clawson in CRBO at with questions CRBO: Clinical Research Billing Office Darlene Kitterman c/o Melanie Hawkins 26 RAIN:
TTBD –Technology Transfer and Business Development 27 RAIN:
TTBD: Technology Transfer & Business Development Processing Final Invention Statement & Certifications –Definition –Sections –process Arun Pradhan & Nicole Garrison 28 RAIN:
Final Invention Statement & Certifications Definition The Final Invention Statement and Certification form is required upon closeout of a federal grant or award. The Statement should be completed and submitted within 90 days after expiration or termination of the grant or award. The form informs the granting federal agency that all inventions created under the grant or award have been properly reported. TTBD: Technology Transfer & Business Development Arundeep Pradhan & Nicole Garrison RAIN:
Final Invention Statement & Certifications Sections Part A – the Statement of “We hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, all inventions are listed below which were conceived and/or first actually reduced to practice during the course of work under the above- referenced grant or award for the period (original effective date) through (date of termination).” TTBD: Technology Transfer & Business Development Arundeep Pradhan & Nicole Garrison RAIN:
Final Invention Statement & Certifications Sections (cont’d) Part B – List of inventions (includes name of inventor, title of invention, and date reported to federal government) Part C – Signature of OHSU Authorized Signatory TTBD: Technology Transfer & Business Development Arundeep Pradhan & Nicole Garrison RAIN:
Federal Agency SPATTBDResearcher TTBDSPA Federal Agency Final Invention Statement & Certifications Process TTBD: Technology Transfer & Business Development Arundeep Pradhan & Nicole Garrison RAIN:
Research HR: Research Human Resources Next month: –Research Outreach Project (ROP) Update Jennifer Crosby-Meurisse 33 RAIN:
Wrap Up Q & A Next Meeting: March 17, :30 AM Send agenda item requests to: Everyone 34 RAIN: