Thesis Presentation IV – Fall Midterm Review NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism week 4 :: b
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 4 :: b :: in-class examples “e” logos
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 4 :: b :: today’s agenda in-class demonstration execute your sketches! use simple geometry whenever you can trace your sketches the brush tool the free transform tool in-class activity: work on the road sign assignment on your sketches digitally in Illustrator
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 4 :: b :: homework homework project: “Road Sign Problem” * purpose/objective: Create basic shapes Copy and combine shapes to create new shapes Manipulate shapes using the pathfinder palette Manipulate shapes using OBJECT>PATH options Work with layers palette to rearrange, group, mask, lock, organize and label layers. Work with the creation (pen, shapes, direct select) and transformation (rotate, reflect, scale, free transform, etc) tools and associated palettes (align, pathfinder, and transform) assignment: Immediate, practical communication is the primary function of a road sign. With this in mind, graphically depict the subject indicated for each of the twelve road signs on the back of this assignment sheet. Execute each solution as a finished piece via Illustrator using only black, yellow and white. If the concept dictates, use of an additional color is permitted. This problem is a vehicle for simplicity and personalization. The intent is to inspire personal expression by giving each sign a unique life of its own. The familiar context suggests a traditional idiom, while the nonsensical topics allow for uninhibited design exploration and the opportunity to play; the parameters offer an opportunity to transcend the road functional aspects throu the creation of a personal statement in the name of design exploration. Themes: Indian Village, Ant Farm, Baseball Field, Checkers Area, Fortune Teller, Target Range, Red Light District, Botanical Gardens, Kite Flying Area, Nuclear Power Plant, Earthquake/Fault Line, Paratrooper Landing format: Execute one design for each of the above themes. sketches any size sketch is ok – the ideal is to have one sheet of paper with multiple squares/sketches on it; use black marker and white paper; 8.5” x 11” paper will work fine) all 12 designs on one sheet (8.5” x 11” paper) large prints of each design (8.5” x 11” paper, printed from Illustrator) *assignment adapted from Visual Literacy: A Conceptual Approach to Graphic Problem Solving by Judith Wilde, Richard Wilde and Kathy Kelly’s ART 3395 Graphic Design Software Course Spring 2004: 2 week assignment :: due
NewMediaArts art 127 :: graphic symbolism :: week 4 :: b :: post mortem How smoothly did today’s class run? What slowed us down? What did we skip over? How can we be more efficient in the future?