Materials for today’s session Shared website – Wiki Wireless Access Open Air password: summer10
PSESD Teacher Principal Evaluation Project Regional Implementation Grants March 21, :30 am – 2:30 pm
AGENDA Welcome and District Sharing ESSB 5859 Updates Professional Development Opportunities BREAK Principal Evaluation Updates with Gary Kipp LUNCH Team Planning Q & A with Michaela Miller, OSPI (1:45pm) Debrief and Next Steps
Group Norms and Agreements Be present Participate actively: Ask questions Share connections Listen Work together as a community Invite and welcome contributions of every member
Today you will have an opportunity to Learn from each other Discuss implications from latest legislation Focus on the resources for Principal Evaluation Plan the next steps for your district
District Team Updates What has your team worked on since we last met? Are there resources that you would like to share? What are your next steps? What are lessons learned at this stage of the process?
Grant Timeline Explore and align criteria Teacher and Principal Review and select frameworks 5 Dimensions (CEL) Danielson Marzano Rubrics (From frameworks) Determine evidence Observations Plans Artifacts Reflections Student Work Other Summative Model Progression Holistic Formula Raw Score Hybrid Conditions Defined by state Preparation PD Plan Communication Tools and forms MOU Participants
State Updates 5895 Matrix 5895 Final Bill Report wiki
ESSB 5859 Classroom Teacher Long Form/Short Form Implementation Schedule Components Professional Development
Classroom Teacher Classroom teachers - YES Includes: PE, Music, Art, Special Education Can possibly include: Librarians and Instructional Coaches ESA s- NO ESAs, Teacher-Librarians and Instructional Coaches who provide academically-focused instruction to students may be considered in the new evaluation system.
Comprehensive Evaluation Formerly known as the “long form evaluation.” Assesses all 8 evaluation criteria. All criteria contribute to the comprehensive summative evaluation rating. All provisional classroom teachers and any classroom teacher not on level 3 or level 4 receive comprehensive evaluation. All classroom teachers shall receive a comprehensive summative evaluation at least once every four years.
Focused Evaluation Formerly known as the “short form and/or PGO.” Includes an assessment of one of the eight criteria. Professional growth activities linked to the selected criteria. Approved by the teacher’s or principal’s evaluator. A focused evaluation must be performed in any year that a comprehensive evaluation is not scheduled (both teachers and principals).
Implementation Schedule Begin , fully implemented by 2016 Provisional or probationary teachers, and principals to be transitioned first: Fewer than 3 years of experience Unsatisfactory performance New to the district
Evaluation Components 1.Criteria and Definitions 2.4-Tiered System (Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished) 3.Instructional/Leadership Frameworks 4.Final Summative Score 5.Cut Line 6.Measures and Evidence: Observation and Student Growth
Three “preferred” leadership frameworks The RIGs will be proceeding with the AWSP leadership framework (already an assurance) A process will be developed for evaluating any additional leadership frameworks.
Both E2SSB 6696 and ESSB 5895 contain language around student growth including: Student growth data that is relevant to the teacher and subject matter must be a factor in the evaluation process and must be based on multiple measures that can include classroom- based, school-based, district-based, and state- based tools. Student growth means the change in student achievement between two points in time.
Changes… Student growth data must be a substantial factor in evaluating the summative performance of certificated classroom teachers for at least three of the evaluation criteria. Student growth data elements may include the teacher’s performance as a member of a grade- level, subject matter, or other instructional team within a school when the use of this data is relevant and appropriate.
Decisions relegated to the TPEP steering committee, TPEP districts, local bargaining and OSPI: Student growth measure specifics Specific district phase in process Final summative scoring methodology RIF implications ( ) Professional Learning Phase in
RIG Pilot- “The 20%” As we work through the implementation for both the RIGs and statewide we will need your thoughtful and strategic thinking. Each RIG district will receive a process template to fill out prior to determining decisions about pilot participants. Distributed the week of March 26 th -30 Please think of this as an opportunity to transition to the new system in 4 years, rather than in just 3 (as outlined in 5895)
Team Processing Jigsaw to review document What are implications for your team’s work? What information and updates will you share with stakeholders? How will you share it?
Professional Development for RIGs OSPI is working with the three framework authors to design a statewide PD system for the instructional frameworks. Observation and Feedback Specialists (OFS)- Instructional and Leadership Frameworks June – Training for OFS August 1-3 and August 13 th -17 th Training for all RIG district administrators, principals and teacher leaders (pending budget negotiations in the legislature) wiki
Digging into the Leadership Framework Divide into groups of between 4 and 6 people. Use the Three Levels of Text Protocol or Text Rendering Experience to dig in deeper to the first four pages of the document. Debrief as a large group.
Digging into the Leadership Framework Form groups of 8 Read the definition of each criterion. Underline or highlight the words or phrases of major importance. Read the indicators for each criterion to better understand what is meant for that one. Discuss in small groups to share: What was included? What aligns with your thinking? What was surprising or unexpected?
Digging into the Leadership Framework Remain in same groups. Read the rubric language. What distinguishes each of the tiers from the other? What are the important words?
Digging into the Leadership Framework District teams Consider appropriate measures and evidence for each criterion given its definition, indicators and rubric language. Begin to develop a list of possibilities. Use the accompanying handout to record.
Team Planning What are the key messages from today? What is your communication plan? What are your next steps? What support do you need?