Kentucky’s Experience: Incorporating Risk Management into a Statewide Women in Agriculture Conference 2006 National Extension Women in Agriculture Education Conference April 7-8, 2006 – St. Louis, Missouri
In the beginning – Leadership group convened to plan first state conference Conferences held annually , 2000, 2001
Key Sponsors University of Kentucky Kentucky State University Kentucky Department of Agriculture Kentucky Farm Bureau Commodity Groups Agribusinesses and Organizations
Role of Extension Educational Programming Technical Assistance Conference Coordination In-Kind and Monetary Sponsorship
2003 – Year of Change Membership organization incorporated First board elected First conference with financial support for risk management sessions
Ky Women in Agriculture Membership organization Granted 501(c)(3) status in 2004 Mission: Empower women in agriculture through education, involvement, and action
KWIA Structure Executive Board (5 Officers) Seven District Delegates Ex-officio representatives from land grant institution, agencies Formalized committee structure
Current Role of Extension Ex officio representatives to KWIA Board Educational Programming Technical Assistance In-Kind and Monetary Sponsorship
Risk Management Funding USDA-RMA Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Program cooperative agreement with Kentucky State University Sponsorship funds for 2003, 2004 & 2005 KWIA Conferences
Risk Management Funding Funds supported: Speakers from RMA Presentations of projects funded through the RMA COAP Program Scholarships for conference attendees
2003 Conference Theme: Cultivating Dreams ~ Harvesting Profits Participants: 260 RM Sessions: Business Making a Plan for Your Business Managing Risk through Financial Planning (Included RMA Speaker)
2003 Conference RM Sessions (cont’d) Marketing Building a Marketing Plan Tips for Marketing Marketing Showcase Farm Bill 101 Understanding Commodity & Dairy Programs Accessing Loans & Markets
2004 Conference Theme: Celebrating Success ~ Producing a Future Participants: 240 RM Sessions: Business Structuring Your Business Financial & Estate Planning (RMA sponsored curricula & website) Legal & Liability Issues Financing Your Ag Operation
2004 Conference RM Sessions (cont’d) Government Programs Phase 1, Tobacco Buyout, Legislative Update USDA Program (NRCS, FSA, FAS) New Organic Standards Marketing Marketing to Wholesale & Retail Direct Marketing
2005 Conference Theme: Moving Forward ~ Farms in Transition Participants: 125 RM Sessions: Business You Can’t Take it With You (RMA Sponsored Estate Planning Curricula) Developing a Plan for Your Business Insurance Safe
2005 Conference Roundtable Discussions FSA Commodity Programs FSA Loan Programs NRCS Conservation Programs Kentucky Ag Finance Corporation Commodity Marketing
Contacts Gae Broadwater Kentucky State University 400 East Main Street Frankfort, Kentucky Marion Simon Kentucky State University 400 East Main Street Frankfort, Kentucky Kim Henken University of Kentucky 206 Scovell Hall Lexington, KY