The Solar Oven Jack and Nano
Essential Questions How much heat can we generate from reflecting the suns rays? What angles do our mirrors have to be at to reflect the greatest amount of light energy? Will our oven be affective enough for daily use?
Assembly of the Outer Box First we cut out the sides We got 90 degree fasteners to attach the sides to each other and the bottom Fastener During the project we refined our carpentry
Assembly of the Inner Box We cut out four sides and the bottom The inner is complete with the same fasteners
Sealing We sealed the first box with Liquid Nails For the outer box we got heat retardant glue, it is also insulating
Reflectivity We lined the inner box with a space blanket It reflects 97% of heat Space Blanket Mirrors reflect the suns light to help heat the oven 12 inches by 12 inches Attached a hinge to allow us to adjust the angle of the mirrors
Paint Job The inner box is painted black to help insulate heat Green represents how eco friendly our Solar oven is the solar oven uses no electricity
Glass Cut glass Glass Cutter The glass rests on top of both boxes to insulate heat while also allowing light to enter
Final Product
Physics Concepts Reflection: When the suns rays hit our mirror they bounced off the surface of the mirror. Oven Incident Ray Normal line Reflected Ray
Physics Concepts Absorption: When light enters the solar oven the black paint on the inner box absorbs light which heats up the oven. Transmission: Also the glass traps the heat while also letting light in. Inner box Inner box Light Rays Glass Light Rays
World Wide Applications Solar cookers are being promoted in third world countries to help cut back on deforestation and disease. In Ghana, Zouzugu villagers like this woman prevent dracunculiasis and other waterborne diseases by pasteurizing water in a solar cooker. The refugees construct the cookers themselves and use them for midday and evening meals. The goal of this project was to reduce the Darfuri women's need to leave the relative safety of the camp to gather firewood, which exposed them to a high risk of being beaten, raped, kidnapped, or murdered. It has also significantly reduced the amount of time women spend tending open fires each day, with the results that they are healthier and they have more time to grow vegetables for their families and make handicrafts for export. Some Gazans have started to make solar cookers in order to cook their meals, due to a lack of cooking fuels. The cooker is made from cement bricks, mud mixed with straw and two sheets of glass. About 40 to 45 Palestinian households have these solar cookers.
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