Early Years Foundation Stage Profile data 3 July 2013
What do the figures mean? 1 point for emerging, 2 for expecting, 3 for exceeding 17 areas reported numerically Highest total points possible = 51 Lowest = 17 Mid point score = 34 Pilot 2012, the average point score was 32 points
A Good Level of Development (GLD) Redefined from previous years Expected (i.e. 2 points) for each of the 12 areas in PSED, Communication and Language, Physical development, Literacy and Maths Unofficially it is thought that approx. 50% will get a GLD this year
2012 pilot data 20,000 children in 500 schools across 19 Local Authorities Who achieved a Good Level of Development? 41% of all children 48% of girls, 34% of boys 52% of autumn born children, 30% of summer born 30% of children with EAL compared to 43% of children whose first language is English 45% of non-FSM and 24% of FSM children 44% of Chinese children, 29% of Black children Scores lowest in writing and number Scores highest in both areas of Physical Development 2.4% of children scored the lowest possible total point score of 17 1% of children scored the highest possible total point score of 51
Key messages Reliability of this year’s data? Cannot helpfully compare last year and this year’s GLD data “Emerging” not a helpful term for year one teachers Importance of transition - reception to year one Importance of Prime areas Importance of the Characteristics of Effective Learning Literacy and Maths Links between EYFSP and National Curriculum