FMT-Peru H α center 18:14 UT A 3-Dimensional View of the Filament Eruption and Coronal Mass Ejection associated with the 2011 March 8 Solar Flare Raúl A. Terrazas (Ica Univ), María V. Gutierrez, Mutsumi Ishitsuka, José K. Ishitsuka (IGP, Peru), Yusuke Yoshinaga, Naoki Nakamura, Andrew Hillier, Satoshi Morita, Ayumi Asai, Takako T. Ishii, Satoru Ueno, ○ Reizaburo Kitai, Kazunari Shibata (Kyoto Univ) Fig1. X-ray light curve of the flare taken by GOES. Fig2. Temporal evolution of the H filament eruption observed by FMT-Peru. Top: GOES X-ray light curve. During the colored time range, the eruption was observed. Middle: Time-distance diagram along the eruption (the slit position is shown in the right panel). It was decelerated after 18:13UT. Bottom: Doppler gram for the eruption. Direction of the eruption along the line-of-sight was changed at 18:13UT. Summary & Conclusions We examined the 3D velocity field of the H filament eruption and EUV flux rope associated with the flare. They are ejected in the 2-step energy releases, and finally they caused a CME. This work is a research outcome based on the 2 nd FMT-WS held at Hida Obs., Kyoto Univ. on July (References) (CHAIN project) (FMT-Peru) CHAIN/WS/2011Jul/ Group photo at the Obs. Subjects of this paper 3D view of a filament eruption in H s and in EUVs multi-wavelength observations around the H line (FMT-Peru) Doppler gram EUV observations by multi satellites (SDO/AIA, STEREO-Ahead/EUVI) Relation with the coronal mass ejection (CME) Relation with the evolution of the active region Observation & Data Start: 2011-Mar-8, 18:08UT Flare class: M4.4 Active Region: NOAA Full-disk observations by FMT: H center, ±0.8A (20s cadence) SDO/AIA: EUV 193A (12s cadence) STEREO/EUVI: EUV 195A (5min cadence) EUV Flux Rope Eruption Fig3. Multi-wavelength observation of the filament eruption. In the top view (right column) taken by STEREO-A/EUVI we can confirm the change of the direction of eruption. Fig4. Top: Temporal evolution of the EUV (94A) flux rope observed by SDO/AIA. Middle: GOES X-ray light curve overlaid with RHESSI hard X-ray (50-100keV) light curve. During the colored time range, the H eruption was observed. Bottom: Time-distance diagram along the eruption (the slit position is shown in the left panel). At the time the disappearance, EUV flux rope was decelerated. But, after the second hard X-ray burst, the flux rope was accelerated again. 日本天文学会 2012 年春季年会 (ASJ-Spring Meeting 2012) A71c ~88° Fig5. Left: Ha center image taken by FMT-Peru. Right: Image of the CME taken by SOHO/LASCO C2. The velocity of the CME is about 700km/s Abstract We present a detailed 3-dimensional features of the filament ejection and coronal mass ejections associated with the M4.4 flare that occurred on 2011 March 8 flare at the active region NOAA The H full-disk images were successfully obtained by FMT 1 relocated from Hida Observatory of Kyoto University to Ica University in Peru under the international collaboration of the CHAIN 2 -project (see also Morita et al. (M18a) and UeNo et al. (A21a) in this JAS-Spring Meeting). Based on the FMT date we derived the 3-dimensional velocity field of the filament ejection. The features in extreme ultraviolet were also obtained by AIA 3 on board SDO 4 and EUVI 5 on board STEREO 6 -Ahead satellite. In this paper we report in detail the evolution of the ejection followed by a coronal mass ejection. 1 Flare Monitoring Telescope, 2 Continuous H-Alpha Imaging Network, 3 Atmospheric Imaging Assembly, 4 Solar Dynamic Observatory, 6 Extreme-Ultraviolet Imager, 6 Solar TErrestrial Relations Observatory 1 Time slice of H center image GOES X-ray light curve 18:12:1918:15:00 H Filament eruption velocity 30km/s 80km/s FMT-Peru Ha center SDO/AIA 171ASTEREO/EUVI 171A SDO/AIA 94A images GOES+RHESSI keV 2 position of the STEREO-Ahead satellite Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) disappearance of H filament SOHO/LASCO 700km/s flare flux rope