OCE Marine Geosciences Section Section: ODP Program: Rodey Batiza, Section Head MG&G Jamie Allan Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (COTR) on IODP contracts Sarah Menassian Science Assistant Ian Ridley (USGS), ODP Grants Program Deborah Smith (WHOI), USSSP, ODP Grants Program John Walters SODV Project Officer - retired ODP: Where and who we are GEO Directorate: Division:
Investigations of potential drilling regions, especially by means of regional geological and geophysical field studies Site surveys Down hole geophysical and geochemical studies Corks Expedition Objective Research (EOR) Proposals to support research which addresses the objectives of the drilling expedition and begin in the period between the co-chief approval of the expedition sampling plan and the end of the sample moratorium period. U.S. Science Support Program Support of expedition scientists, workshops, education and outreach, etc.
Other NSF/ODP contributions Fund small supplements, educational workshops, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Grants for Rapid Response Research (RAPID) and EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Pay for ship time and Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) costs associated with ODP funded cruises Contribute to OBSIP facilities Contribute to MARGINS program: Office, proposals of interest, and workshops
Recently Funded Projects MARGINS 2009 panel This year we were only able to contribute $200,000, which went to office support and support of a continuing grant (Spiegelman and van Keken: Advanced models of magma migration at convergent MARGINS) November 2009 panel – very successful Ravelo et al.: Expedition 323 Objective Research on the Paleoceanography of the Bering Sea Lyle: IODP Expedition Objective Research: Neogene productivity and biogenic sedimentation in the equatorial Pacific Acton et al.: Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Variability, Paleoenvironmental Change, and a Tuned Geologic Timescale from Pacific Eocene-Pleistocene Sediments from IODP Expeditions
Budget 2010 The NSF Ocean Drilling Grants Program has about $10M USSP will get about $7M The remaining $3M pays for the successful proposals from the November 2009 panel, the upcoming May panel, supplement requests, continuing grants, OBSIP costs, etc. We held an NSF in-reach meeting to explain to other programs what we fund and why they receive proposals to work on IODP samples. 2011?
Steps toward a New Program *USAC will be an important interface to the U.S. science community as we move to a new drilling program.
IWG+ Contact Information IWG+ web site: IWG+
EOR’s? Are they working? At last panel an EOR did not review well because the cruise had not sailed, so cores had not been collected, and consequently there was no supporting evidence that the materials required for the research would be available.
Science Plan Writing Committee (SPWC); (*attended INVEST) Mike Bickle (Cambridge Univ., Chair); Hydrothermal, CO2 sequestration, climate-tectonic links, LIPS *Christina Ravelo (UCSC); Neogene paleoclimatology, isotope geochemistry, INVEST SC *Heiko Palike (SOC, Southampton); Paleogene, Arctic paleoclimate, INVEST SC Rob DeConto (U. Mass); Paleoclimate modeling, CO2 climate sensitivity, cryosphere evolution *Fumio Inagaki (JAMSTEC); Deep biosphere, INVEST SC *Katrina Edwards (USC); Microbiology, INVEST SC *Naoh Ohkouchi (JAMSTEC); Biogeochemistry, ocean chemistry, LIP impacts *Andy Fisher (UCSC); Fluids, crustal evolution *Damon Teagle (SOC, Southampton); Ocean crust, Moho, fluids * Demian Saffer (Penn State); Subduction, seismology, geohazards, NanTroSEIZE *Gilbert Camoin (CNRS); Sea level change, INVEST SC *Peter Barrett (Univ. Wellington); Societal impacts, IPCC linkages *Shuichi Kodaira (JAMSTEC); Seismic imaging; crustal evolution; geophysics *Richard Arculus (ANU); Arc magmatism
Please….. become pro-active in supporting the ocean drilling program in any way you can. Talk to your Dean’s and through them ask your university President’s to lend their support by calling Tim Killeen at NSF (Assistant Director for Geosciences) and/or Bob Gagosian (President, Consortium for Ocean Leadership). The voice of the scientific community needs to be heard by the decision makers!! Finally!