Chapter 5 Programs and Practices for Effective Sheltered Content Instruction Jana Echevarría, CSU Long Beach Deborah Short, Center for Applied Linguistics
Pair discussions – graphic organizer with focus questions Briefly touch upon sections 1-5 Focus on sections 6-8
1. Role of First-Language Literacy 2. Role of English-Language Literacy 3. Sociocultural Context 4. Social vs. Academic Language The Eight Guidelines for Teaching Literacy to English Learners
1. Rationale for focus on Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP), pp Rationale and Components of SDAIE in providing ELs access to content subjects, pp Pedagogical Models of Sheltered Content Instruction with a focus on SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observational Protocol), pp Components and features of the SIOP model, pp
5. Application of the SIOP model, pp Research Syntheses, pp Program Models, pp Professional Development, pp
Language-Learning Emphasis s (Historical approaches) Grammar Translation Direct Method (1980s) Audiolingual Method Communicative approach Content-Learning Emphasis SDAIE (1980s-today) A set of techniques (some with individual research bases) for gaining access to content Content and Language Development Emphasis SIOP (2000) A comprehensive model of instruction; incorporates SDAIE strategies; content and language development
p. 259, Figure 5.1 Partner As work together. Partner Bs work together What are the differences between the two types of instruction?
EL in class E merging understanding of English Content knowledge Complete a task Learn how to do the task
All of the highlights listed on these pages have been mentioned in previous chapters: The processes of L 2 literacy development are influenced by a number of variables (L 1 literacy, SES) Certain L 1 skills transfer to English Literacy Teaching the 5 major components of reading to Els is necessary but not sufficient for developing academic literacy. Academic literacy in L 1 facilitates the development of academic literacy in English. High quality instruction for ELs is similar to high quality instruction for EOs, but ELs who are not at advanced levels need accommodations. ELs need enhanced, explicit academic vocabulary development.
Scheduling for students ◦ Access to and completion of courses necessary to graduate from HS ◦ Flexible pathways into regular curriculum Explicit timeline and set of coursework that leads to graduation Extend students’ time for learning ◦ Extension of the school day, before, after, or summer. Considerations for beginners ◦ Additional time, primary language support, two years to cover a one year course
Effective SIOP Professional Development includes: PLC Reflection on practices Discussing the implementation Coaching with knowledgeable trainers Modeling of lessons Refining lesson plans based on student assessment Agreed upon strategies implemented school-wide