ACPE Founded in 1932 for accreditation of professional programs by: –National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) (regulators); –American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) (educators); and –American Pharmacists Association (APhA) (practitioners)
Programs with accreditation status (n = 130) Accredited Programs: 114 (programs that have graduated students) Candidate Status: 15 (programs with students enrolled but have not yet produced graduates) Precandidate Status: 1 (programs that have not yet enrolled students) Having On-site Evaluations F2013: 1 (seeking Precandidate Status) Schools and Colleges
6 Areas: Mission, Planning, and Evaluation Organization and Administration Curriculum Students Faculty and Staff Facilities and Resources “Standards 2007 Version 2.0” 30 Standards 151 Guidelines
Standards 2007 Rubric Data 89 comprehensive reviews of established PharmD programs were conducted using the Rubric from spring 2007 through spring Programs were evaluated as: Compliant with the standard; Compliant with the standard with additional monitoring required; Partially compliant with the standard; or Non-compliant with the standard.
Standards 2007 Accreditation Actions Number of Standards Found to be “ Partially Compliant ” or “ Non-Compliant ” # SchoolsFull TermShortened Term
Interprofessional team-based care Medication safety Cultural competence/health literacy Pharmacogenomics Updated language – pharmacist-provided patient care/medication therapy management Leadership development/professionalism Array of classroom-based and experiential electives
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCEs) Portfolios Emerging “readiness for APPE” “readiness for graduation” Evaluation of Student Competence