Design of Recuperative Heat Exchanger Presented by -- Jinying Zhu
Review: To reduce the axial conduction and size: Wall thickness: 50μm Grid number: 100×100 Size: about 2.5cm x 2.5cm x 8cm Mechanical and thermal properties of Dupont 951 AX at room temperature: Flexural strength: 320MPa Young’s Modulus: 152GPa Thermal Conductivity: 3W/mK
Review: Structural calculation: -- Max. stress: 200 MPa -- Max. displacement: 5.02 μm Thermal calculation: dT (K) T cold side out (K) T hot side out (K) efficiency (%)
Machinability: According to the design guideline, it is recommended that the minimum via-to-via pitch (center-to-center) within the same tape layer shall be 2.5 times the average via diameter, the minimum pitch shall be 2 times the via diameter, which means that 200 µm × 200µm ducts need 200 µm thick wall. The machining capability requires using thicker wall or reducing duct size. Using micro-drilling/micro-routing and laser to drill vias are time consuming and costly. The best way to fabricate the tape is punch. The vias with diameter 100 µm can be fabricated by punching.
Parameters used : Wall thickness: 100 µm Duct size: 100 µm ×100 µm Length: 8 cm Size: about 2 cm × 2 cm × 8 cm
Calculation results: dT (K) T cold side out (K) T hot side out (K) efficiency (%) Thermal results: flexural strength ΔP thickness max. stress max. displacement (MPa) (bar) (μm) (MPa) (μm) Structural results:
Calculation result:
Finished parts: LTCC tape Dupont 951 AX has been shipped out from Dupont on June 5, 03. Visited American Technical Ceramics, got punching samples. The holes quality is very good.
Finished parts: × 80
Parts to be done: Database available is based on room temperature. Work with Dr. An to do some experiments and find out the behavior at low temperature (at least 70K): Young’s Modulus, Flexural Strength, Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Extension Coefficient. To look into ways to fabricate transition layers (mostly use laser cut)