ECAL LED monitoring system upgrade R&D status V. Egorychev, P. Shatalov, A. Zhokhov (ITEP, Moscow, Russia) E. Chernov, Yu. Guz, V. Obraztsov (IHEP Protvino, Russia) 09/04/20131
Rad hard fiber – two options The 105/125µm rad hard fiber of DRAKA (pure-silica core/F-doped cladding) with acrylate coating + black painting. Total diameter is ~ 258 µm ~0.8 Euro/m for 30 km. 300 m purchased from DRAKA to produce a test bundle The 200/212µm rad hard fiber produced in Fryazino Russia (pure silica core) with metal coating. Total diameter of this fiber is ~ 240 µm This type fiber is used in CMS ~2 Euro/m for 30 km. 2x20 m samples sent us for tests. Found to be more rad hard than DRAKA. 09/04/20132
The Multicomp “MegaBright Blue” LED was chosen. With this type of LED, fiber with core diameter of 100µm is already enough for ECAL calibration system: > 500 ADC channels for the Inner zone is expected. It is important to verify it on the calibrated ECAL: it is not easy to obtain the correct energy scale in the lab tests. LED type selection 09/04/20133
Procedure for Module end ( for every fiber in a bundle): Remove the coating by a stripper on the length of about 12mm; Cut the fiber end by a cleaver; Glue the fiber into the connector; control with a digital microscope, polish if necessary Procedure for LED end (all the 16 (9) fibers): Remove the coating by a stripper for every fiber; Glue all fibers together into a brass tube 1.25 mm inner diameter; polish with a polishing machine, controlling with a digital microscope; gluing into the Plexiglas holder, together with a piece of 1.2 mm clear fiber (for PIN diode control). Module end connector Production of a test bundle with 16 fibres - I LED end connector 09/04/20134
Production of a test bundle with 16 fibres - II Gluing the fibers into end pieces control by digital 500x microscope, polishing if necessary cutting the fiber ends with a cleaver the 16 8m fibers are stretched at the table 09/04/20135
Production of a test bundle with 16 fibres - III the test bundle is ready, waiting for tests preparing the LED end: polishing the LED end, view by microscope quartz fiber bundle (16x8m) clear PSM fiber for PIN diode the LED end and module end connectors 09/04/20136
Injection test The measurements were performed with a standard ECAL LED driver at max intensity with PMT LA4956 and U ctrl =1.53 V (HV=650 V). The setup included 50 cm clear fiber Ø1.2 mm, similar to that installed in each ECAL cell. Installation of the test bundle to ECAL and measurement at HV values corresponding to different ECAL zones is necessary to understand the calibration signal magnitude in FEBs and its variations. 09/04/20137
Irradiation tests in Protvino Absorber II steel, 2 λ I. Absorber I steel, 1 λ I. During the ATLAS irradiation test in Protvino (22-31 March 2013) we were going to irradiate 10 m fiber sample(s) to 1-2 Mrad, working in “parasitic” mode. The goal is to see the transparency degradation for the blue light from our LEDs. The attenuation of the fiber was supposed to be continuously monitored with OceanOptics SD2000 spectrometer, using blue LEDs as light source. The spectrometer has 2 inputs; two 10 m samples, DRAKA and Fryazino (“RUS”) were prepared for tests. They were installed near the end of the Absorber II, after ~ λ I. The thin film dosimeters (polykaproamide) were installed at the samples (G. Britvich et al, NIM B94 (1994) 338). The LED and spectrometer were installed in the barrack; 70 m long standard multimode (50/125 µm) optical cables were used to transport light to/from the samples. They were connected to the samples at ~ 30 cm from the beam line, out of the high dose area. LHCb samples 09/04/20138
Irradiation tests in Protvino - preparations The “attenuation factor” of non irradiated samples was measured in the lab, as the ratio of light intensities with and without samples: 9.5 for DRAKA and 41 for “RUS” fibers. The main part of the loss occurs at the contact of 100 (200) µm core of sample fiber and 50 µm core transport cable, because of diameter mismatch. 10 m of fiber sample spectrometer LED boxes transport cables “short” connection of input and output 09/04/20139
Irradiation tests in Protvino Absorber-II beam samples the two samples (not on the photo) were installed between the steel sheets of the Absorber II. 09/04/201310
Irradiation tests in Protvino The plan of the test was the following: 1.beam adjustment 2.working at low intensity (~1-2·10 9 p/spill) during 2 days (~1-2 Mrad at our samples expected). For us: recording main data, then removing and development of dosimeters. 3.switch to high intensity (few·10 11 p/spill). For us: ~ Mrad expected at the samples position. Depending on the results from (2), either continue irradiation, or keep the samples away from the beam and observe their annealing. However the things went wrong from the beginning. The samples were installed before the beam adjustment. It turned out that the beam adjustment procedure requires working at maximum intensity. After ~ 6 hours, the transparency of our fibers degraded very significantly. No precise measurement therefore, only rough estimates. The main conclusion is that the DRAKA fiber is less rad hard than the “RUS” one. The latter is good enough for us, while with DRAKA we may be at risk (next slides). Another surprise was that the transport cables showed strong degradation even staying out of the irradiation zone, at ~ 1.5 m from the beam line. 09/04/201311
Irradiation tests in Protvino - results :00 Start of the “beam adjustment” at high intensity. The transparency in the DRAKA line dropped to 0 during ~ 100 krad. The other one was always alive :00 Access to the zone. The samples were removed from irradiation area and placed ~1.5 m above the beam. Removal and development of dosimeters: ~2.5 Mrad on average. Start of working at low intensity. Annealing of our samples :00 Start of working at high intensity (part of time). Degradation and annealing periods seen in the DRAKA line, finally it drops to 0 (1.5 m from the beam line!). More smooth behavior of the other line, signal finally drops to ~30 ADC counts :30 Access to the zone. The both samples are disconnected, the transport cables are shorted and left at 1.5 m from the beam. The factor of ~10 degradation in the transport cables wrt their “fresh” state :00 End of the test. Another factor of ~10 degradation in the transport cables (kept 1.5 m away!). DRAKA RUS /04/201312
Irradiation tests in Protvino - results Deep damage-annealing cycles in DRAKA fiber; drop by factor of >100 after 100 krad total damage with 2.5 Mrad received during 6 hours + 3 days of annealing (with some neutron exposure): DRAKA: factor of >20 for 10 meters ~25% per meter RUS: factor of ~ for 10 meters < 4% per meter 1234 DRAKA RUS ratio = 50(±10?) (cf 41 before irradiation) with samples only transport cables, 2 min later ratio >200 (cf 9.5 before irradiation) 09/04/201313
Irradiation tests in Protvino In spite of a very chaotic test, some conclusions can be made. We need ~1% stability on a time scale of ~ 1 month (~ 100 krad in the Inner area after upgrade) -may be not safe to use DRAKA -to be safe, we can use the “RUS” fiber (in spite of higher price). -also, 200 µm core no problem with amount of light for the Inner area If we had a chance to redo the test: lower intensity! use more rad hard fiber for transport cables have an extra measurement channel for transport cables’ degradation control... 09/04/201314
cost estimate 40k Euro (DRAKA option) or 84k Euro (RUS option) + 24 man-months Can we afford the more expensive option? quartz fiber DRAKA fibers (105µm core) 30km –> 0.78 Euro/m -> Euro; RUS fibers (200µm core) 30km –> 2.0 Euro/m -> Euro; ferrules ID=125µ -> 0.3 … 0.5$/pc –> 2000 … 3250 $; ID=270µ -> 1.8 Euro/pc (in Russia) -> 11700Euro(in Russia); connectors, PMT end Black plastic end pieces (6500pc) –> 5000 Euro Black plastic nuts (6500 pc) -> 5000 Euro Brass metal tubes –> 250 Euro Cutting and drilling of brass metal tubes -> ?( 2 man-months) Tube & ferrule gluing in end piece -> ?( 2 man-months) connectors, LED end Plexiglas end piece (456 pc) –> 0.5 man-months; Brass metal tubes (same as for the other end) –> 50 Euro; Cutting and drilling of brass metal tubes -> 0.5 man-months; Plastic fibers to PIN diodes (456) -> 0.1 man-months bundles production 4 persons –> 4 bundles/day –> 5 months = 20 man-months; Polishing machine -> 1000 Euro Polishing disks -> 300 Euro Thermo shrinkable tube 1.5 mm ID (~2 km) -> ?? 100 Euro uninstalling old bundles, installing new ones 2 persons –> 2 … 3 months = 4 man-months 09/04/201315
preparation work at ITEP - status Thermo-shrinkable tube – purchased and cut Brass tube – purchased Tools for cutting and drilling the brass tube – purchased. The work will start soon. The plastic end pieces and nuts can be produced in August 2013 the earliest connector production can start in September the earliest Problems with money for 2013: matter of planning, more should be reserved for /04/201316