Georgia Power Chapter Facts We are a corporate chapter chartered in April 1992 by the Gwinnett IAAP Chapter Our President is: Rozetta Gray Our current membership is: 146 Current “Member of Excellence” award winners: 20 Current CAP and/or CAP – OM members: 37 We sponsor an annual one-day, on-site professional education workshop. We have business speakers and /or educational programs at our chapter meetings. We are sponsored by the Georgia Power Diversity & Corporate Relations Organization. Our Chapter Executive Sponsor is: Moanica Caston, Georgia Power VP Diversity
Georgia Power Chapter Facts Our Purpose: To network with other professionals; and to assist members in professional growth, office technology and developing administrative skills, while providing tools and information necessary to become effective contributors in the workplace. Our Mission: To effect... Increased productivity, career development, and quality worklife with the office environment by providing opportunities for … educational, personal and professional growth.
Chapter Board Officers: PresidentRozetta Gray Vice President ElectDoris Cook, CAP Vice PresidentAnita Sisson, CAP Recording SecretarySharon Moore Corresponding SecretaryWanice Odell TreasurerLuana Owens, CAP Honoary DirectorKerri Gibson, CAP-OM
Chapter Board Committee Chairs Membership: Responsible for recruitment, retention & maintenance of chapter membership – including preparing and distributing prospective member packets, new member installation ceremonies, membership roster, and coordinating new member orientation program. Deborah Baker, CAP Scrapbook/Chapter Photographer: Responsible for taking photos, obtaining mementos, gathering information and collectibles of the events/activities occurring during President’s term. These will be included in president’s memory book and presented at the end of said term. Cheryl Dezelle Angelia Sanford Co-chair Education/Programs: Responsible for planning chapter’s monthly programs/events, including securing speaker, handling logistics, catering, RSVPs, etc., as well as coordinating chapter’s annual one-day on-site education seminar. Angela Hosch Newsletter: Creates and distributes newsletter to all members, other Georgia chapter presidents, Division board members, and others as necessary. Prepares draft for review by Board prior to publication. LaLeeta Pitts Retirement Trust Foundation: Promotes Vista Grande (IAAP retirement center) by providing information and raising funds to support its operation. Linda Carotenuto Ways & Means: Develop and promote fundraising events to support chapter operations not financed by chapter’s company-sponsored budget. Webmaster: Responsible for creating and maintaining chapter’s website. Anita Sisson, CAP Bylaws & Standing Rules: Responsible for creating and maintaining chapter’s bylaws and standing rules. Connie McKoy