Chapter 7 Section 1 The President and the Vice President
Qualifications for President The President is the head of the executive branch The top political job in the country, if not the world To become president: Must be at least 35 Native-born American citizen Resident of the U.S for at least 14 years
Electing a President Elections take place every 4 years in years evenly divisible by 4 Example: 2012…2016…2020…2024 President is chosen by the Electoral College Must get at least 270 out of 438 to win
Terms of Office Presidents serve 4 year terms The XXII amendment limits each president to 2 elected terms, or a maximum of 10 years if the president took office during another president’s term The president receives a yearly salary of $400,000, plus expenses The president lives, and works at the White House A staff tends to the needs of the president’s family
Presidential Vacations Camp David A beautiful estate in Maryland, serves as the president’s retreat and a place to host foreign leaders. The president travels in special cars, helicopters, and airplanes
The Vice President The Vice President is elected with the President The qualifications are the same with both jobs He votes in the Senate in case of a tie, but otherwise has little authority. If the president dies, is removed from office, becomes seriously ill, or resigns, the vice president becomes president
Presidential Succession John Tyler was the first vice president to take over as president when William Henry Harrison died The Presidential Succession Act of 1947 established the line of succession. Vice President Speaker of the House President Pro Tempore Secretary of State
Presidential Succession The XXV amendment says that once the vice president takes the office of president he must then choose another Vice president Both houses of Congress must approve of the appointment This amendment also gives the vice president a role in determining whether the president is unable to fulfill his job