Department of Defense Information Age Vision Linton Wells II ASD(NII)/DoD CIO-Acting United States DoD North American Day 2005
Department of Defense – Information Age Vision Empowered users –Easy access to information anytime and anyplace –Attendant security, decision support and speed –Recognition for the information they contribute to the greater environment POWER TO THE EDGE!
Department of Defense – Achieving the Vision To achieve the vision, we are building: An agile, robust, interoperable and collaborative DoD where users all share knowledge on a secure, dependable and global network that enables net-centric transformation yielding superior decision-making and effective operations
Department of Defense – Key Activities Implementing the net-centric data strategy Make data broadly discoverable, accessible and understandable to authorized planned and unanticipated users – including U.S. government, partner nations, non-government and commercial partners Improve data access/use - support “many-to-many” exchanges Shift emphasis for standardization to collaborative groups of users who exchange information in pursuit of shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes (e.g. Communities of Interest ) EMPOWERING USERS THROUGH ACCESS TO DATA
Department of Defense – Key Activities Creating Information Assurance for a net-centric environment Secure the data and the network - enhance perimeter protection with on-going, persistent monitoring and detection Implement strong authentication Enable role-based access to data and resources Facilitate collaboration with partners – U.S. and coalition, public and private MOVE FROM “NEED TO KNOW” TO “NEED TO SHARE”
Department of Defense – Key Activities Building a collaborative culture The new imperative Broadened scope, to include: –Stabilization and humanitarian relief –US and coalition government (at all levels), non-government, academic and commercial partners Enabled by collaborative tools and processes PEACE THROUGH COMMUNICATIONS AND COLLABORATION
For more information… Contact name: Linton Wells II Title and Office: ASD(NII)/DoD CIO- Acting Phone: (703) address: