VISUALIZE To picture, or to have a mental image of what is being read.
What does visualization show us? A mental image of what is going on, of the setting, etc... BUT WAIT! There’s more... Puts us in the story Character emotion, motivation Conflict
The 5 Senses Visualization when you are reading is about more than just “seeing”, it’s about what you can: See Hear Feel (physically, emotionally) Smell Taste
Go back to “The Kayak” Annotate again for what you can “visualize”
How do authors create descriptive text? Through descriptive words: Adjectives and Adverbs Through precise word choice
Adjectives Words that describe a person, place, or thing. Example (find the adjectives) The shiny, red apple was delicious.
Adverbs Words that describe verbs. Example (find the adverbs) The child wrote her name slowly and carefully.
Word Choice Word Connotation (vs denotation) Chosen Words vs. Alternatives There are over 2,000 vagrants in the city. There are over 2,000 people with no fixed address in the city. There are over 2,000 homeless in the city. youngster, child, kid, little one, small fry, brat, urchin, juvenile, minor
Highlight or Clearly Circle 3 great adjectives. Write an alternative for each that would have been less interesting. 3 great adverbs. Write an alternative for each that would have been less interesting. Indicate which is which!
Writing About It! In a well-written paragraph: Write about how visualization helps you to better understand this story (you may want to discuss motivation or emotion). Be sure to quote a specific part of the text and explain how specific words or phrases help you to come to this understanding.