CIS—100 Chapter 7—Headers and Footers 1
Chapter Objectives 2 After successful completion this chapter you should be able to: Add page numbers. Add more elaborate headers and footers, with areas for document title, date, and other information. Work in the header and footer areas to format content and add text. Add the document file name and path. Delete a header or a footer.
Headers and Footers 3 Headers and Footers can contain important information about a document.
Page Numbers, Dates, and More 4 If you are unsure of what headers and footers exactly are, you can think of the way pages are formatted in a book. Typically, the book's title appears at the top of one page and the title of the current chapter appears at the top of the facing page. Further, the bottom of every page contains the page number.
The Header and Footer Workspace 5 You can enter the Header and Footer Workspace, commonly referred to as the editable region by double clicking within the header or footer or by right clicking and selecting edit header or footer.
Inserting Page Numbers 6 On the Insert tab, in the Header & Footer group, click Page Number. Choose where you want the numbers on the page, at the top or on the bottom, for example. Then choose a page number style from a gallery of possibilities. The page numbers are now applied throughout your document. Also, they're set up to automatically renumber if you add or delete content in the document.
Editing Page Numbers 7 When you insert page numbers or other headers and footers, Word opens the header and footer workspace. This enables you to make formatting changes or add text of your own. For example, select the page number and use the Mini toolbar to change the font size. Various commands within the Header & Footer Tools help you to make several editing choices.
Header and Footer Styles 8 On the Insert tab, click Header or Footer right next to the Page Number button and choose the style you want. You can select header and footer styles that match, such as the Alphabet style. Note that some of these styles include a page number, so you would not have to add that separately.
Adding the Current Date 9 Click in the header or footer where you want the date to go. If text is already there that you don't want, select it. In the Insert group, click Date & Time. Choose a format. You can have just the date, just the time, or both. Select the Update Automatically check box.
Adding the File Name and Document Path 10 In the Insert group, click Quick Parts, and click Field. In the Field dialog box, under Field names, click FileName (you may have to scroll). Click the Add path to filename check box to select that option. The FileName field gives you a way to automatically update the path if you have moved the document.
Removing Headers and Footers 11 Sometimes it is necessary to remove headers and footers
Removing Headers and Footer Continued 12 In the Header & Footer group, click Footer. At the bottom of the Footer gallery, click Remove Footer. That wipes the footer clean. The Page Number and Header galleries have a similar "remove" command on their gallery menus.
Headers and Footers 13 End of Chapter 7