ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Asset Management, Life Cycle Analysis : A Three-Pronged Approach September 9th, 2015 Andrew Williams, Ohio DOT
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have.
ii ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have.
What are we doing? Fostering more consistency across Districts. Building a collaborative project selection process built on optimized investment strategies. Helping to ensure statewide goals are achieved. Reducing annual and life cycle costs once steady state condition are achieved. Removing artificial distinctions between “Capital Projects” and “Maintenance Activities”. Coordinating preservation activities through Planning. Using performance data to guide funding allocations.
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Three-Pronged Approach
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Aggressive Preservation: Roadways More chip seals Extends road life by 5 to 7 years One fourth cost of conventional overlays
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. District PCRPrior CRDPrior STRDPrior Raveling Bleeding Patching Debonding Crack Sealing Defic Rutting Settlements Corrugations Wheel Track Cracking Block and Transverse Cracking Longitudinal Cracking Edge Cracking Random Cracking Thermal cracking Potholes Thickness Added Thickness Removed AgeAtRepair AgeAtNextRepair Chip Seals In Ohio
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. District PCRPrior CRDPrior STRDPrior Raveling Bleeding Patching Debonding Crack Sealing Defic Rutting Settlements Corrugations Wheel Track Cracking Block and Transverse Cracking Longitudinal Cracking Edge Cracking Random Cracking Thermal cracking Potholes Thickness Added Thickness Removed AgeAtRepair AgeAtNextRepair Overlays without Repairs
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Section of Road: 4 miles Long in need of a pavement treatment ($25,000 per lane mile) X (4 Lane Miles) = $100,000 4 to 6 years ($125,000 per lane mile) X (4 Lane Miles) = $500,000 8 to 10 years Savings of: $400,000 minus yearly maintenance Over 25 year period: $400,000 versus $1,000,000
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Asset Type Maintenance Cost Ancillary Activity$1,143 Barrier$0 Berming$0 Bridge$0 Culvert$0 Drainage$1,210 Highway Ancillary Activity $33,743 Pavement$281,051 Pavement Marking $0 Traffic Operation $6,965 Other$0 Total$324,113
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. ASD003RUP ASD060RUP ASD060RUP ASD095RUP ASD096RUP ASD096RUP ASD250RUP ASD250RUP ASD250RUP ASD250RUP ASD545RUP CRA602RUP CRA602RUP HUR020RUP HUR303RUP RIC181RUP RIC545RUP RIC545RUP Poor Performing Pavement Sections
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Analysis Treatments (Lane Miles) PMS
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. State-of-the-Art Technology Pavement management software Identifies when and where to treat roadways Prioritizes highest benefit at lowest cost
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Aggressive Preservation: Bridges
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Capital and maintenance work under one plan Continuous interaction with front line crews, local governments and contractors Capturing, analyzing and replicating success statewide Collaboration
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Fact card Frequently asked questions Talking points Video Web page PowerPoint Communication
ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. ii ODOT. Taking Care of What We Have. Thank You!