Types of Poetry A Sampling
Acrostic poetry – in an acrostic poem the first letter of each line spells a word when you read down the page. When writing an acrostic poem it is best to choose a strong word with meaning so that you will have an easy time talking about it.
Shape or Concrete poetry - In shape or concrete poetry the words of the poem are arranged to make an image that is related to some element of the poem.
Clerihew - A clerihew poem is a quirky four-line biographical poem. The last words of line 1 & 2 rhyme, and the last words of line 3 & 4 rhyme. (AABB rhyme scheme) These poems are often funny, and the first line contains the person’s name.
Example: My friend Flinn, Is very thin, He stays that way, Even though he eats all day.
Haiku – A Haiku is a very popular Japanese style of poetry. A haiku only has three lines and each line has a certain amount of syllables. ( Clap it out ) Line one – 5 syllables Line two – 7 syllables Line three – 5 syllables
Example: An old silent pond... A frog jumps into the pond, splash! Silence again.
Free Verse Poem – A free verse poem is just that, free. It is up to the poet what type of shape it takes and whether or not it rhymes. There is no fixed pattern or requirements to making a free verse poem.
Example: Fog by Carl Sandburg The fog comes on little cat feet. It sits looking over harbor and city on silent haunches and then moves on.
Alphabet Poem – In an alphabet poem each line begins with the letters of the alphabet in order. It does not have to rhyme, but it can if you wish to.
Example: Air raid shelters, damp and black Bombs exploding, back to back Children crying, adults too “Down the cellar – after you” Evacuees on the train Farewells said in pouring rain Gone to live in some strange place Hoping for a friendly face…… *this is only part of the poem.
Limerick Poem – A limerick is a short 5 line humorous poem. It has a strict rhyme scheme The first, second, and fifth lines rhyme. Also the third and fourth lines rhyme. Rhyme Scheme – A A B B A
Example: “There was an Old Man with a beard Who said, 'It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!’