RESEARCH UNIT VOCABULARY English 11B: World Literature
VOCABULARY Analysis-separation of a whole into its parts an examination of Audience-those who are to read, view or listen to a communication Citing-to quote by way of example, authority or proof, to give credit to such authority Controversial-marked by opposing viewpoints Credibility-the quality or power to inspire belief; worthy of belief and trust Evidence-proof Implicit-understood from something though unexpressed or not directly stated Plagiarism-presenting other’s ideas and works as one’s own without proper credit.
VOCABULARY Structure-the form, shape or organization Thesis-a position that a person offers to maintain by argument; to state the main idea, lesson or claim Validity-logically correct; well-grounded or justifiable Emotional appeal-to arouse a sympathetic response by causing an emotional reaction in the reader/listener/ viewer Logical appeal-to arouse a response of agreement based upon valid reasoning and relevance Ethical appeal- to arouse a supportive response based upon the credibility, trustworthiness and expertise of the source.
VOCABULARY Argument-a discourse (communication) intended to persuade Bias-a highly personal and unreasoned distortion of judgment; prejudice or slanted view Claim- to assert in the face of possible contradiction; an assertion open to challenge Counter-claim-an opposing claim Evaluate-to determine the significance or worth of something by careful appraisal and study Explicit-fully and clearly expressed leaving no question as to meaning or intent Inference/conclusions-to move from one idea or statement to another whose truth is believed to follow from that of the former. Conclusion is the last in the line of inferences drawn; final or end point-result. Purpose-the object or end to be attained; the motivation for something.
VOCABULARY Synthesis-to draw together from multiple sources Tone-style or manner of expression in speaking or writing; expressive of a mood or emotion Warrant- to declare with or maintain with certainty; to assure the truth of what is said CASE/RESEARCH STUDY-an intensive analysis of people or a community focusing on developmental factors; creating an experiment in which certain variables are controlled and others are manipulated in order to measure the relationship between the variables and outcomes.