Lesson 20 - Day 1 2 nd Grade W HAT ’ S M Y J OB ?
Q UESTION OF THE D AY What are some things that people can do with their pet dogs and cats?
R EVIEW – H IGH F REQUENCY W ORDS QuestionSomethingSure enjoycomingidea quitebelievedifferent
D IGRAPHS KN, WR, GH, PH knock knight knee knot
D IGRAPHS KN, WR, GH, PH This is a photo of my knee and my wrist. Karl knew how to write a message after the phone call. Shari wrote a story about a tough knight.
D IGRAPHS KN, WR, GH, PH knowwrongtoughphone breathhealthsoiljoy deerrearyearsmear
S ETTING Turn to page 18 StoryWhenWhere
slueths People who try to solve crimes or mysteries.
host Someone on a program who introduces the guests.
statue A work of art, usually made from wood, stone or bronze.
risk To take a chance, even if you might get hurt.
responds To answer a question by giving an answer.
accurately To do something without making any mistakes.
opponent Someone you play against in a game or contest.
impulsive To do something without thinking.
encountered To meet someone that you didn’t expect to see.
originated The time when something began.
G RAMMAR – A DJECTIVES An adjective tells about a noun. Some adjectives tell about color Some adjectives tell about size or shape. balloon cakecar
A DJECTIVES My backpack is ______________________. Please bring me a _____________ box. I saw a ___________ nest in the tree.
Lesson 20 - Day 2 2 nd Grade W HAT ’ S M Y J OB ?
Q UESTION OF THE D AY What do the sounds you hear at school remind you of?
R EVIEW – H IGH F REQUENCY W ORDS questionsurecomingquitedifferent somethingenjoyideabelieveguess
S HORT V OWEL / E / EA head
S HORT V OWEL / E / EA I took a deep breath and jumped into the pool. Eating fruits and vegetables is good for your health. You should water the plants when the soil feels dry. Cindy ran to the kitchen to answer the phone. I got one answer wrong on the test.
S ETTING Turn to page 54 Extra support page 153
F OLLOW D IRECTIONS 1. Place eggs in a pan. Fill the pan with enough water to cover the eggs. 2. Place the pan on the stove. Bring the water to a boil. 3. When the water boils, lower the heat. Cook for 15 minutes. 4. Take the pan off the stove. Run cold water over the eggs for a minute so they don’t overcook. 5. Roll the eggs between your hands to crack and remove the shells.
G RAMMAR – A DJECTIVES FOR S ENSES Adjectives for senses are words that describe how something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels. Adjectives for senses can come before and after the word they describe. Adjectives for senses make writing more colorful and fun to read.
G RAMMAR – A DJECTIVES THAT COMPARE Kevin wanted a glass of lemonade.
G RAMMAR – A DJECTIVES THAT COMPARE The puppy barked. Mrs. Brown bought us some muffins. Kelly sat down in the chair.
Lesson 20 - Day 3 2 nd Grade W HAT ’ S M Y J OB ?
Q UESTION OF THE D AY Do you think it would be fun to be part of a marching band? Why do you think so?
R EVIEW – H IGH F REQUENCY W ORDS questionsomethingsureenjoycoming ideaquitebelievedifferentguess
V OWEL D IPHTHONG / OI / OI, OY coin toy
V OWEL D IPHTHONG / OI / OI, OY 1. I’m glad you could join us to enjoy the art show at the museum. 2. Please point out the oil painting you liked of a boy and a pony. 3. It’s very noisy in here today! 4. Let’s use quiet voices so we don’t annoy others.
L OCATE I NFORMATION Table of contents - tells on which page each selection begins. Chapter titles Headings- tell what section of a selection will be about. The index – a list of subjects, arranged in alphabetical order, with page numbers. The glossary – words arranged in alphabetical order – gives meanings of unfamiliar words. Guide words
F OLLOW D IRECTIONS You need to follow directions when you: Play a new game Go to a new place Make something What should good readers do to follow directions? Read all the directions first Look for steps or words that tell about order Read directions again
G RAMMAR – N UMBER W ORDS Exact Number WordsInexact Number Words some, eight, few, twenty, many, fourteen
G RAMMAR – N UMBER W ORDS Our dog had six puppies. Two of them are black and white. Five of the puppies have spots. Three of them are sleeping now.
Lesson 20 - Day 4 2 nd Grade W HAT ’ S M Y J OB ?
Q UESTION OF THE D AY What is the most surprising thing about seeds?
R EVIEW – H IGH F REQUENCY W ORDS questionsomethingsureenjoycoming ideaquitebelievedifferentguess
R - CONTROLLED V OWEL / IR / EAR, EER near cheer _ _ hear _ _
R - CONTROLLED V OWEL / IR / EAR, EER bread ___________ strong ____________ boy _____________
R - CONTROLLED V OWEL / IR / EAR, EER 1. Marlon stopped running to catch his breath. 2. Mom had a tough day at work. 3. I am waiting for a phone call from my cousin. 4. Lin and Karin found seats in the rear of the bus. 5. I dialed the wrong number when I called Grandma.
C OMPREHENSION S TRATEGIES Titles – these tell what each lesson will focus on. Vocabulary Words – new vocabulary words are often in dark print and highlighted Maps – Maps usually have a title and labels to give information about the places in the lesson.
U SE R EFERENCE S OURCES What information would I find in a dictionary? Why might I use a thesaurus? Why might I use an encyclopedia? What information would I find in an atlas?
U SE R EFERENCE S OURCES Where would I find: Information about the history of California? A map of the state of California? The meaning of the word permanent? A words that means the same as permanent?
G RAMMAR – W ORDS THAT C OMPARE Adjectives that end with –er compare two things. Adjectives that end with –est compare three or more things.
G RAMMAR – W ORDS THAT C OMPARE 1. Keira can run faster than her older brother. 2. This is the riper banana in the bunch.
Lesson 20 - Day 5 2 nd Grade W HAT ’ S M Y J OB ?
Q UESTION OF THE D AY What are some ways you can use a notebook?
R EVIEW – H IGH F REQUENCY W ORDS questionsomethingsureenjoycoming ideaquitebelievedifferentguess
R EVIEW knowwrongtoughphonebreath healthsoiljoydeerrear
L OCATE I NFORMATION Use your Student Edition to locate the following: Table of contents Index Glossary
U SE R EFERENCE S OURCES Reference SourceWe use it to find: Dictionary Thesaurus Atlas Encyclopedia
G RAMMAR – M IXED R EVIEW Adjectives tell about a noun. Some adjectives describe shape, color, and size. Adjectives for senses describe how something looks, smells, tastes, sounds, or feels. An adjective for senses can come before or after the word it describes. Number words tell how many. They may be exact, or inexact. Adjectives that end with –er compare two things. Adjectives that end with –est compare three or more things.