6th Hour INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Holden
My Classroom Expectations Students will arrive at class ON time. Students will arrive prepared to work (this means you will have your book, writing utensil and paper with you). Show respect at all times. No Pop/Juice allowed in the classroom.
Cell Phones I do not want to see or hear them. If any part of it is showing I will take it and turn into the office. 1 st offense – Parents required to pick up after school. 2 nd offense – Parents required to pick it up after school, student serves 30 minute detention 3 rd offense - Parents required to pick it up after school, student serves one day suspension.
Calculators A couple of units will require them and at that time I will tell you it is ok to have them in the classroom. Otherwise I do not want to see them. This does not mean use the one on your cell phone!!!
Discipline Policy 3 tardies = 1/2 hour detention 6 tardies = 1 hour detention 7 tardies = out of class until you arrange a meeting with your parent/guardian, you and me. A removal from the classroom is an automatic 60 minute detention
GRADE SCALE A B C D F I DO NOT round grades at all!
HOMEWORK Usually an assignment is given daily. Homework will be graded daily or randomly I will collect the assignments to review the work you should be showing. Any late assignment will be graded down 50% --no excuses/no exceptions. Need to be handed into box labeled Algebra I homework. –Late is being here, but not turning in the assignment that is due. –Not turning in work the day it is due because of an excused absence is not late. –School sports are not an excused absence for this purpose because you know in advance you will be missing class.
Homework Corrections Any homework can be redone for full credit if attached to the original work except for late work. Corrections must have name and assignment on it also. It is to be turned into box labeled Algebra 1 after it is attached to the front of the original assignment.
TESTS Approximately given every 3 weeks. These will be at the end of each unit. A test can be retaken up until the next unit test is given conditional upon the student making arrangements with the instructor one day prior to him/her wanting to retake the test. This is also at the discretion of the instructors schedule. Retakes can only be done before/after school, during lunch or during tutorial. They will not be given during regular class time.
CLASS PARTICIPATION This is based on what the instructor sees the student doing/acting in class. Instructor will put in the grade book on the average once every two weeks. Daily Work is also included in this grade. Daily work can not be corrected.
Your Grade Your final grade is a combination of Homework, Tests and Class Participation. Homework = 35% Tests/Quizzes/Projects = 55% Class Participation = 10%
Attendance 4 bonus points will be awarded for each week of perfect attendance and added to the homework scores.
Ipod/MP3 Players etc. Both ear pieces must be out and the player turned off while teacher is instructing the entire class. Once the assignment/test is given the ear pieces can go in, and the player turned on. Must turn off player and remove ear pieces when asking a question. The sound level must be low. If the instructor can hear it, it is way to loud. Not following the above rules, will result in loss of the privilege to have music devices in class.
All this information can be found on the salmon school website
Are There Any Questions?
Quiz 1.Can Homework be redone for full credit if it is late? 2.What is the percentage for a B in this class? 3.What is the correct spelling of the instructors name? (include title) 4.How many bonus points can be earned for a week of perfect attendance? 5.Tests count towards what percentage of your final grade?