Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale How to Write an Adaptor Kelly Davis and Tom Gooldale and AEI-MPG
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Introduction What is an Adaptor? An adaptor is a software component which adapts the interface of a one software component to the interface expected by a second software component.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Introduction What is an Adaptor? An adaptor is a software component which adapts the interface of a one software component to the interface expected by a second software component.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Introduction How are Adaptors used in GAT? GAT = Client CPIClass = Target GATAdaptor = Adaptor GATAdaptee = Adaptee
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Cpi Classes What are Cpi Classes? CpiClasses are abstract classes that present to GAT a well defined interface and thus allow for the existence of GATAdaptors
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale File Management FileCpi LogicalFileCpi FileCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the File capability. LogicalFileCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the LogicalFile capability.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Collection Management CollectionCpi CollectionCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the Collection capability.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Resource Management ResourceBrokerCpi ResourceBrokerCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the ResourceBroker capability.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Peer-to-Peer Interaction StreamCpi StreamCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the Stream capability.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Job Management SimpleJobCpi CheckpointableSimpleJobCpi SimpleJobCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the SimpleJob capability. checkpointableSimpleJobCpi - Abstract class that one must extend to provide the CheckpointableSimpleJob capability.
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Implement the CPI Functions
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Create Manifest: Java Standard Attributes Manifest-Version Created-By Extension-Name Implementation-Title … GAT Attributes FileCpi-class FileCpi-schema Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.4.1_01 (Apple Computer, Inc.) Extension-Name: org.gridlab.gat.adaptors.file Implementation-Title: MyFirstAdaptor Implementation-Version: 1.0 Implementation-Vendor: GridLab Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.gridlab Implementation-URL: Sealed: true FileCpi-class: org.gridlab.gat.adaptors.file.MyFileCpi FileCpi-schema: httpg
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Create Manifest: C Standard Attributes Manifest-Version Created-By Extension-Name Implementation-Title … GAT Attributes GAT-SO GAT-FileCpi-Constructor GAT-FileCpi-Equals … Manifest-Version: 1.0 Created-By: 1.4.1_01 (Apple Computer, Inc.) Extension-Name: MyFileCpi Implementation-Title: MyFirstAdaptor Implementation-Version: 1.0 Implementation-Vendor: GridLab Implementation-Vendor-Id: org.gridlab Implementation-URL: FileCpi-schema: httpg GAT-SO: GAT-FileCpi-Constructor: MyFileCpi_Constructor GAT-FileCpi-Equals: MyFileCpi_Equals …
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Jar Manifest and Shared Object Java C >ls MANIFEST.MF org >jar cmf MANIFEST.MF file.jar org/ >ls MANIFEST.MF >jar cmf MANIFEST.MF file.jar
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Sign the jar Java and C >jarsigner file.jar kdavis
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Install the Signed jar Java C lib/ext [in the JRE] jre/lib/ext [in the Java 2 SDK] lib/ext [in the GAT install dir]
Kelly Davis and Tom Goodale Outline Introduction Cpi Classes File Management Collection Management Resource Management Peer-to-Peer Interaction Job Management Implementing a Provider Implement the Cpi functions Create a shared object Create a Manifest Jar the Manifest and shared object Sign the jar Integrating a Provider Install the signed jar Off to the races!