tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data what where when who why how … data URLs smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals work done on server work done on client
tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data what where when who why how … data URLs smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals work done on server > Points > Grids > Points > Grids > Points > Grids work done on client
tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data what where when who why how … data URLs smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals work done on server work done on client > OGC WCS > OGC WFS > OGC SOS > SOAP > OGC netCDF- CF-OPeNDAP > ISO SQL– PostGIS > SVN > GIT > http > ftp > OGC KML > OGC WMS > OGC WFS > OGC CSW > Google INSPIRE downloading (3) ←viewing (2) ← discovery(1)
tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data INSPIRE downloading (3)viewing (2)discovery(1) HAAS: Hardware as a Service PAAS: Platforms as a Service SAAS: Software as a Service DAAS: Data as a Service smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals > OGC WCS > OGC WFS > OGC SOS > OGC WPS > OGC net CDF - CF - OP e NDAP > ISO SQL - SFS P ost GIS > SVN > GIT > http > ftp > OGC KML > OGC WMS > OGC WFS > OGC CSW > google
tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data INSPIRE downloading (3)viewing (2)discovery(1) HAAS: Hardware as a Service PAAS: Platforms as a Service SAAS: Software as a Service DAAS: Data as a Service SubVersion PostGIS netCDF-CF OPeNDAP WxS & KML convertors Catalog service geoserver ncWMS, adaguc smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals > OGC WCS > OGC WFS > OGC SOS > SOAP > OGC netCDF- CF-OPeNDAP > ISO SQL– PostGIS > SVN > GIT > http > ftp > OGC KML > OGC WMS > OGC WFS > OGC CSW > Google
tailored data > WCS > WFS > SOS > SOAP > netCDF-CF- OPeNDAP > ISO SQL– PostGIS > SVN > GIT > http > ftp > KML > WMS > WFS > CSW graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data work done on server work done on client internet standards spatio-temporal standards database standards (lab and field data) ISO standards what where when who why how … data URLs smart phone & tablet users scientists professionals
Bottom-up OpenEarth complements top-down legislation tailored data graphics of data standard data raw data catalogue of data INSPIRE downloading (3)viewing (2)discovery(1) OGC netCDF-CF OPeNDAP SubVersion > OGC KML