Health and Wellness Mr. Donley
Self-Inventory Answer yes or no I get 8 or more hours of sleep I eat three balanced meals daily I maintain a healthy weight I do at least 30 minutes of physical activity daily I wear a seat belt and bike helmet I avoid harmful substances I ask for help when I need it I like myself and get along with others
HEALTH Combination of physical, mental/emotional and social well-being. Do you have health? Are you alerted and well rested? Are you ready to take on new challenges? Did you eat well and get enough physical activity?
WELLNESS Overall state of well-being or total health Broken down into parts:physical, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental =wellness Do you have a balanced life?
HEALTH LITERACY Capacity to obtain, interpret, and understand basic health information and services Do you know where to go if you do not feel well? Do you know the difference between health facts and health fiction?
HEALTH CONTINUUM RANKS IN ORDER Premature death to loss of health to Improved health to high levels of health Where do you stand? What are some behaviors and habits that can lead to high levels of health?
LIFESTYLE FACTORS Personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives If you answer yes to self inventory questions you have a healthy lifestyle. A key to quality lifelong wellness is prevention: What are some ways you can prevent bad things from happening to you?
HEALTH EDUCATION BENEFITS Provides accurate health information that influences people to have a positive attitude to attaining and maintain high levels of health and wellness. What are your goals for this class?
HEALTH SKILLS accessing the right information advocacy analyzing internal and external influences decision making goal setting interpersonal communication practicing healthy behaviors and self management.
PERSONAL HEALTH INVENTORY Complete online assignment Questions